John, our volunteers have already helped thousands of voters cast their ballot safely and securely this year.
That’s because Common Cause’s Election Protection work runs all year long – so we’ve been training and recruiting nonpartisan poll monitors for this year’s elections before 2024 even started!
And it’s not without good reason, John. We’ve already witnessed egregious attacks on our right to vote: from new voter ID laws to attacks on election workers.
We simply can’t afford to be caught unprepared – and thanks to you, we won’t. Here are just a few highlights from this year’s primaries:
Common Cause North Carolina recruited over 50 volunteers and helped voters navigate the new voter ID requirements and properly follow up on their provisional ballots.
Common Cause Arizona fielded dozens of volunteers in the state’s two most populous counties – Maricopa and Pima – assisting voters in multiple languages so they could safely and securely cast their ballots.
Common Cause Florida helped voters navigate changes to vote by mail and ensured voters made it to their correct polling locations after changes caused by redistricting and new voting precincts.
John, these are just a couple of many highlights from our robust primary Election Protection work. You can read more about our state-by-state work to protect our right to vote in our latest Democracy Wire post >>
None of this would be possible without you, John. Countless Common Causers have stepped up and answered our call – from signing up to become Election Protection volunteers themselves to donating their hard-earned money to help us train more volunteers than ever before.
I hope you’re as proud of these accomplishments as I am – this has truly been a team effort and we are showing up for the voters who need it most. I’m looking forward to seeing all that we have yet to accomplish in what will be a historic year for American democracy.
In Common Cause,
Izzy Bronstein, National Campaigns Director
and the team at Common Cause
P.S. Do you want to make a real, measurable impact on voters this year? Please consider signing up to be a volunteer or chipping in what you can today to help cover the cost of training and placing a volunteer.