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![]() Please give a crucial $25, $50, $100, or more IMMEDIATELY to fully fund my critical, class action lawsuits and hard-hitting legal actions to FREE ALL JANUARY 6 PROTESTERS! Over a year ago, I wrote an urgent email to patriots just like you about what’s really happening to January 6 Peaceful Protesters in the Washington, DC jail. Patriot, what’s being done to them is so demonic, so foul, that they’re BEGGING to be transferred to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba…where vicious, America-hating terrorists get better treatment! I’m heartsick and deeply angry about what’s being done to our fellow patriots. Their letter reads like an appeal from dissidents in the Soviet Union. Here are just a few examples of what they’re enduring (I quote directly from their letter, published by Gateway Pundit):
But there’s more. Guards deny them hot water, and keep them from going to court. They severely beat, mace, harass, insult, and even sexually assault them. Their food is so disgusting and so low in nutrition, that some prisoners are losing their eyesight, their hair, and getting scurvy (from Vitamin C deficiency). There’s much, much more…all of it horrifying. And this has been going on for years … in AMERICA. They conclude their letter by pleading to be transferred to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where the Taliban and Islamic terrorists get better treatment! This can’t go on. That’s why I’ve filed crucial lawsuits to FREE January 6 peaceful protesters. Including a critical new lawsuit that PROVES the FBI and other agencies carried out ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE on January 6 patriots. That means their criminal convictions can be THROWN OUT. And their criminal trials MUST STOP. I’m Larry Klayman, founder and general counsel for Freedom Watch. I’m a former federal prosecutor and trial lawyer who’s fought for the American people for 41 years. You’ve seen me on CNN, Fox News, and other cable news outlets. I’m the only lawyer in American history to have a court rule that a sitting President had committed a crime. I guarantee Bill Clinton still remembers me! And I successfully represented the victims of other Clinton scandals, like Filegate, Travelgate, IRS Gate, Chinagate, and many others. I know what it takes to take on federal agencies, politicians, even presidents, and win. And with this critically important case, I can PROVE IN COURT that Attorney General Merrick Garland, FBI Director Christopher Wray, their departments and agencies at the U.S. Department of Justice ordered and carried out ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE OF LAW-ABIDING AMERICAN CITIZENS! Nobody else is doing what I’m doing in court to get justice for these poor people. Patriot, please say a pray for the January 6 Prisoners. Their temptation to despair, to give up, must be enormous. Then I beg you to help me fight for them with your very best gift now of $$25, $50, $100, or even more. I can’t do it without you, Patriot. Thank you for doing whatever you can now. In Justice, ![]() Larry Klayman Founder, Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch Chairman and General Counsel, Freedom Watch, Inc. P.S. Patriot, innocent Americans are begging for water in the Washington, DC jail. These innocent men and women are being tortured and abused like they were political prisoners in a Third World dictatorship! Please give what you can right now to help me fight to set them free. $25, $50, $100, even more…whatever you can spare at this very moment. Every dollar counts. |