I'm writing to share a transformative experience! The Christian Women in Media Elevate Conference (CWIMA) I attended last month was a game-changer. Surrounded by influential women in conservative media, I was inspired to see how our voices are gaining strength in the ever-evolving media landscape. This experience has renewed my courage and commitment to our shared values.
One of the most valuable aspects of the conference was the opportunity to connect with like-minded women. I had the privilege of meeting Paula Mosher Wallace from Bloom Studios, Lisa Mouradian from Inspiration TV, Susan Neal, CEO of the Christian Authors Network, Rachel Barrentine from Anchorhouse TV, Denise Mountenay from Together for Life Ministries, Kim Crabill of Roses and Rainbows Ministry, Edie Hand and Angela Meredith from the TAKEN Network, Dr. Carol Swain from Be the People News, and many more. These incredible women, stand for our values in media, and are a testament to the power of collaboration and shared vision.
One of the highlights was meeting the remarkable Dr. Alveda King, niece of the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Her passion for life, faith, and justice was genuinely inspiring. Please be praying for her and her family. I have found out since CWIMA that she lost her mother, Naomi. What a gift she is to CWIMA, and during this time, I know the CWIMA family is a huge support.
These ladies are shining examples of how we can pull together and use God-given talents and voices to uplift, educate, and inspire others. Their stories, insights, and unwavering commitment to their respective missions left me in awe and filled with a renewed sense of purpose.
Here are a few photos from the event that capture the energy and camaraderie:

This conference was a powerful reminder that when women of faith come together, we can move mountains and create ripples of positive change that extend far beyond our immediate circles. I left feeling energized, encouraged, and ready to amplify my own voice in service of family, life, and freedom. I was reminded of what a blessing it is to work with CitizenGO and have the ongoing support of many like-minded partners who share our goals to defend our core values.
Thank you, CitizenGO USA, for making it possible for me to attend this transformative event. I look forward to sharing more about the insights and connections gained, and how we can continue to support and uplift conservative media voices. In the next few weeks I will share personal interviews with many of these incredible women. Listening to their stories of triumph over difficult times and sharing these with my CitizenGO family will be a great joy, knowing we gain strength from voices of hope and courage.
P.S. Keep an eye on CitizenGO’s YouTube channel for a new series of online interviews with these and other conservative voices who stand with CitizenGO defending family, life, and freedom!