Just weeks after Rep. Monica De La Cruz vowed to protect in vitro fertilization (IVF), she introduced a budget that would ban IVF for millions of Americans looking to grow their families.

Michelle Vallejo for Congress

Folks, we can't say we are surprised.

Just weeks after Rep. Monica De La Cruz vowed to protect in vitro fertilization (IVF), she introduced a budget that would ban IVF for millions of Americans looking to grow their families.

Time and time again, Monica De La Cruz has made it clear she wants to ban all reproductive healthcare. 

Michelle knows that IVF is a treatment that has helped so many families fulfill their dreams of starting a family. All Texans should have the right to choose when and how to start their families.

We need your help if we are going to unseat Monica and her agenda to take away women’s rights, one by one. Will you contribute right now towards our campaign to elect a leader like Michelle who is going to fight for the rights of women in TX-15 and beyond?

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Monica De La Cruz may try to mislead voters, but the impact of her budget proposals would be devastating to many South Texas families. She has no business interfering in women’s decisions about when and how to grow a family.

The issues on the docket this year have huge consequences — it’s no normal election. 

The right for a woman to choose what happens to her own body could be in even more danger if we can’t take back the House. We need a champion who will fearlessly fight to restore abortion care and protect IVF in Texas, and across the country — Michelle Vallejo is that champion.

We are counting on you! Please make a contribution to help us protect all ranges of reproductive care, from IVF to abortion.

¡Vamos por Quince!

Team Vallejo