Getting tired of this yet? You
know, the fact that the orange lunatic is on every news channel, late
night show, and front page? We’re certainly tired of it. He’s already
tough enough to look at. And once you start thinking about every
stupid thing he’s ever said and done, it makes you want to attack his
likeness. We’re tired of lunging for the remote control in anger. We
can’t do this for four more years.

Do you know what we can do, though?
We can win in November. We can beat him so badly that news networks
won’t even want to cover him anymore. We can make him so irrelevant
that the only time you see the name “Trump” appear will be in a class
action lawsuit against his sleazy campaign or when the courts take his
last hotel. No network is going to want to cover an 80 year old guy
eating Big Macs on a golf course in Florida. He’ll just be another
Florida man. We don’t want to see his face every day. Help
us make sure America doesn’t have to go through what Melania goes
-The Lincoln Project