That thing that's missing in your life? It's apartments above your local CVS.
Celebrate GGWash's Sweet Sixteen at Pearl Street Warehouse on Tuesday, April 30. Tickets are on sale now - and the early bird rate ends April 7!
Here's our roundup of this week's must-read posts: Bikeshare Beat shows big numbers for February, and compares our CaBi system to those of other metro regions. above your CVS. The region's transportation plan could be greater: comments are due March 30th. If you live in Wards 1 or 6 in DC, we urge you not to sign the recall petitions. The Wins you helped Win for housing in Maryland, we have TWO happy hours for you to join, learn how DC's Department of Buildings works, and more!
Samuel Littauer (Contributor) • March 19, 2024

Find out how many more Capital Bikeshare trips took place this February than the same time last year. How does our Bikeshare system compare to those in other cities? Plus, we’re loving the Bikeshare bump on Valentine’s Day.
Andrew DeFrank (Guest Contributor) • March 18, 2024

The District has more than 50 CVS stores, and most of them are in one-story buildings. While the city would benefit from new housing above each and every one, some are more worthy than others.
Bill Pugh (Guest Contributor) • March 21, 2024

The Visualize 2050 plan demonstrates where the region’s priorities are – endlessly widening roads to move vehicles, or giving people affordable and sustainable travel options and proximity to jobs and services. The current version is lacking on both equity and sustainability fronts. Washington region residents have until March 30 to comment.
Keith David Parsons (Guest Contributor) • March 20, 2024

In the first installment of a new series by the DC Department of Buildings staff, learn about the agency and the data it uses to conduct its work.
Endorsements • March 20, 2024

Don’t sign petitions to put recalls for Charles Allen and Brianne Nadeau on the ballot. Tell your friends and neighbors to decline to sign, too.
Alex Baca (DC Policy Director), Dan Reed (Regional Policy Director) • March 21, 2024

This week on Do Something: recall petitions and budget drama in DC; big wins in Maryland and a big disappointment for Moore Housing; the joy of naps; and Alex and Dan are both having happy hours.
BeyondDC • March 22, 2024

Here are our some of our favorite images from around the Washington region this week! Compiled from images from the Greater and Lesser Washington Flickr pool and posts from Instagram tagging @greater_greater_washington.