Dear John,
It’s hard to think very far ahead right now. I hope you and your loved ones are healthy, safe, and finding solace in small moments of connection with each other and the natural world. My heart is with you. Our work continues to ensure that all Mainers have clean air to breathe, safe water to drink, and wild places to explore.
We know that addressing the climate crisis is work that should not be halted and we’re heartened by the ongoing efforts of the Maine Climate Council to move their work forward.
As co-chair of the Climate Council's Buildings Working Group, I’m facilitating development of strategies to reduce carbon pollution from the building sector, transition to renewable energy, and enhance the resilience of Maine communities. MCV's Maureen Drouin and Beth Ahearn are doing the same in their respective roles on the Climate Council's Natural & Working Lands and Energy Working Groups.
We’re also coordinating with strong conservation partners on the Transportation, Coastal & Marine, and Community Resilience Working Groups. Across the board, the initial outline of draft recommendations do a nice job of advancing solutions that will tackle climate-changing pollution, build the clean energy economy, and protect communities.
Each of the Working Groups had planned to share those outlines at stakeholder and public meetings across the state, but the logistics have changed in response to COVID-19. The Governor’s office is committed to maintaining an interactive and participatory process using virtual meeting tools (stay tuned for additional details).
Working Groups will be incorporating public feedback and deliver their policy recommendations to the Maine Climate Council in June. At that point, the Climate Council will begin synthesizing recommendations into a new state Climate Action Plan.
Tell the Maine Climate Council that you support a strong climate action plan.
In the midst of this unprecedented public health crisis, you can count on your friends at Maine Conservation Voters to keep you connected to the work of the Maine Climate Council. Your ideas, input, and support are essential to meeting Maine’s climate goal. We’re developing opportunities for remote climate action, including webinars that explore potential policy recommendations.
In support and solidarity,