Stay up-to-date on our 32nd National Convention!

In addition to the main discussion document, convention call, overview on how the party selects its leadership, and soon-to-be-published pieces on the role of the Communist Party and on the international situation, ten articles have so far been published as part of the pre-convention discussion. These have dealt with questions of the environment and healthcare, the role of the working class in the struggle for democracy, the fight against racism and sexism, and how to fight right-wing culture, monopoly capitalism, and imperialism.

Cease Fire bulletin, issue 9

By Communist Party USA

St. Pat's Day meets local ceasefire actions; "Uncommitted" vote builds pressure; protests in Israel and the U.S. weaken Netanyahu; Canada halts weapons to Israel; and local, Congressional ceasefire tracker.


Good morning, revolution! The plot to destroy democracy

By Communist Party USA

Project 2025: plot to destroy democracy, Don Lemon dog-walks Elon Musk, ceasefire update, 2024 convention season, and People's World fund drive

The U.S. starving of Cuba is criminal

By CPUSA International Department

The CPUSA Int. Dept. condemns the latest attempt by the U.S. State Department, along with its corporate-backed agents, to overthrow the government of Cuba.


AI — the promise and the threat

By John Case

The political reforms required to bring AI under democratic dominion seem a revolution away. Solidarity movements from the past year have been warming the blood of the labor movement.

AI workers must be organized

By Kei Kebreau

So far, only a handful of national unions have dedicated campaigns to organizing tech workers. We can and must do more.

For male comrades on International Women’s Day

By Bennett Shoop

It is in the interests of the whole working class to fight for women's equality. Men must be active in this struggle, and share in the types of work often relegated to women.

Marxist IQ: In celebration of International Women’s Day

By Communist Party USA

The struggle for women's equality continues. Test your knowledge of this history here.

Fascism’s capitalist roots and the fight for democracy

By Ismael Parra

Fascism grows from capitalism's drive for maximum profits and to divide workers. A working-class-led movement for democracy must be built and combined with the struggle for socialism.

Cuba, Palestine, and the struggle for land sovereignty

By Len Yannielli

The theft of land and resources has had a destructive impact on humans and the environment. Cuba has pursued a different path. What's the way forward here in the U.S.?

Philadelphia mayor’s 100-day plan shows tough struggles ahead

By Philadelphia Young Communist League

On issues of public safety, environmental racism, housing, economics, and education, Philadelphia's mayor is putting big business interests ahead of the city's working class.

People’s World Fund Drive 2024 – Have you given yet?

Hear it from former People’s World Editor-in-Chief Tim Wheeler: Your dollars are needed to keep People’s World online! This year, our newspaper is celebrating 100 years of revolutionary, working-class journalism, and it couldn't exist without working-class support.

As Marx famously wrote, "The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." When you join the CPUSA, you will be connected with a local club engaged in daily on-the-ground struggles for a better world. That is where the rubber meets the road, and our working class and people need you in the fight.

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