
Folks Hours ago, the House finally passed the spending bill necessary to avert a government shutdown. But there’s a catch.


One of the poison pills they buried in the text is a ban on funding for UNRWA – the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees.


This is effectively a bill that guarantees the continued starvation of Palestinians in Gaza who are enduring horrifying famine and disease caused by Israel’s ongoing genocide.


The United States government is the primary funder for UNRWA, and they have been providing vital humanitarian relief services for nearly 75 years. That funding was yanked in January on the back of a pack of lies from Netanyahu and his cabinet of thugs.


Now 185 Democrats – including my opponent Rick Larsen – joined Republicans to pass this bill that shuts off any further funding of UNRWA through the end of the year.


The same bill funnels another nearly $4 BILLION in weapons and funding for Israel to continue their genocide on our dime.


Only 22 Democrats had the backbone to vote against this Starve the Children bill. It’s never been more clear that we need uncorrupted leaders of good conscience to fight for basic human dignity in Congress.


You can help me send a message – and upset the balance of power – by winning this seat and electing me to be the first ever Green Party member to Congress. Chip in $25 now to put towards our canvassing program, kicking off THIS weekend.

We also need to step up efforts to shore up funding for UNRWA’s vital work. If you can afford to make two contributions today, please donate to UNRWA now. If you can only afford to give once, please make UNRWA a priority.


The politicians happy to continue funding genocide must be made to pay for that choice at the ballot box. I intend to do that in November, but I need your support to make it happen.


Now and always: #FreePalestine


In solidarity,




Jason Call is a former public school teacher and lifelong climate activist running for Congress in WA-02. If elected, he will be the first member of the Green Party to serve in federal office. Learn more at callforcongress.com, and donate today to help us make history.


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