Six minutes. 

That’s all it took to change my life forever, Team.

On February 14, 2018, I survived the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, but 17 of my classmates and teachers did not. These six minutes put me on the path to make sure this never happens again.

Six weeks.

That’s how much time we had between the shooting at our high school and when more than one million Americans marched to demand an end to gun violence. In that short time we:

  • Organized students and went to Tallahassee to demand no one can purchase a gun under age 21 — and we won
  • Supported nearly 1 million students from 3,000 schools to walk out of class to protest gun violence 
  • Energized a nationwide movement to end gun violence

Six years.

That’s how long it’s been since our first March. The anniversary is just a few days away. 

Every day, when we’re doing this work, we’re trying to recapture the energy we felt that day in Washington, DC. That energy, where we all come together to demand action – that’s what gets results. 

With our anniversary just a few days away, I’m asking you to step up and join me just like you did 6 years ago. Support our work to end gun violence by splitting a gift between our partner, Debbie Dingell, and March For Our Lives.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be split between Representative Debbie Dingell and March for Our Lives and will go through immediately:

Thanks for being in this fight with us. 

Jaclyn Corin 
Co-Founder and Board Member, MFOL












Debbie Dingell is a tireless fighter for working families, representing Michigan's 6th Congressional District. Make a contribution to support Debbie's re-election campaign today!


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Debbie Dingell for Congress
PO Box 972480 Ypsilanti, MI 48197 United States
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