Hi John,
Thank you to each and every one of you who helped make yesterday’s #CantStopWontStop Emergency Virtual Rally a huge success.

Because of your hard work, we achieved..
42,000 impressions on Twitter
971 Retweets on Twitter
250 actions taken on Instagram
1,200 people clicked on our Virtual Rally Toolkit
Today the state legislature released two budget bills, but education and revenue are still not finalized. According to the Buffalo News, education funding is expected to be flat in the budget — and a $0 increase in education funding means cuts to schools.
Every year, costs for schools go up by about 5 percent. With no new aid for education, schools across the state will be forced to make $1.3 billion in cuts. It would mean
Fewer teachers
Fewer social workers, guidance counselors, and mental health support staff
Fewer resources for Special Education and English Language Learners
Cuts to music and art programs
cuts to pre-K and Kindergarten programs and much more.
We need to keep pushing state leaders to stand up to protect children, not billionaires.
It isn’t too late! Our state leaders can stop these cuts. They can negotiate a state budget that taxes billionaires and fully funds our schools — but they need to hear from us NOW. Post on social media, call your legislators, and send them an email now.
We #CantStopWontStop.
In solidarity,
Jasmine Gripper
Alliance for Quality Education