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Jack — This is stunning.

For the last 12 months, we’ve waited. And waited. And waited for grassroots Democrats to step up and funnel much-needed resources into MUST-WIN battlegrounds.

And suddenly, Democrats are showing up in a tidal wave of support. What is the result?

Battleground Democrats are SURGING into the lead!!!

→ In Pennsylvania: Bob Casey LEADS +10
→ In Wisconsin: Tammy Baldwin LEADS +8
→ In Nevada: Jacky Rosen LEADS +2

Chip into our Senate Majority Fund to help WIN critical toss-up races (ALL donations 3X MATCHED!!!) >>

Jack, this was worth the wait. But we can’t let up now.

Democratic champions are relying on us to clinch critical wins and SAVE our Senate majority. But the GOP is ratcheting up its attacks with every passing day.

Don’t let the GOP prop up more MAGA mouthpieces in influential Senate seats. Pitch into our Senate Majority Fund and help Bob, Tammy, and Jacky win BIG — remember, all donations 3X MATCHED!!

CHIP IN $40: Give this amount if you want to keep Senate battlegrounds BLUE!
CHIP IN $75: Give this amount if you want to keep the Senate AND the White House BLUE

If you've saved your payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Give another amount


Democratic Victory PAC

Democratic Victory PAC is the pioneering Democratic grassroots organization dedicated to re-electing Joe Biden, defending the Senate majority, and taking back the House. Donate now to help Democrats fight for progress!

We're mobilizing online grassroots communities to stand up for progress. Together we can help Joe Biden and Democrats across the country defeat the GOP in 2024!

Jack: Make a monthly donation to save our majority!
Make a single donation

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Paid for by Democratic Victory PAC, INC, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.