March 31, 2020
Listen to Today's Podcast:
In this episode, I address the brewing plot by Nancy Pelosi to attack the Trump administration in the middle of a crisis. I also address the exit strategy from this economic shutdown that must be implemented immediately. Finally, I address the latest Moscow Maddow meltdown.
83% of Likely Voters Approve of Massive Coronavirus Relief Bill
No one may have any clue how we’re going to pay for the $2 trillion coronavirus relief bill that was just passed, but it sure is popular regardless, even despite the widely publicized pork that made its way in the bill.
New Jersey Re-Opens Gun Stores After Trump Administration Declares Them “Essential”
In the wake of the effort to stop the Chinese coronavirus, many states have decided to shut down businesses deemed “non-essential.” However, as we noted last week, many states and localities included gun stores in that category, even while letting criminals out of prison.
Gov. Cuomo Flip-Flops Solely to Contradict Trump
I’d love for President Donald Trump to simply declare that “2+2=4,” because you know there’s someone out there in the media that would actually try to dispute it.
Unhinged Pelosi: ‘As the President Fiddles, People Are Dying’
On Sunday, while appearing on CNN’s “State of the Union,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi claimed that President Trump bears responsibility for American deaths from the Chinese coronavirus.
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Dan Bongino, P.O. Box 1003, Palm City, FL 34991