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TexasGOPVote Newsletter

March 21
Highlighted Blogs

Amegy Bank Event Highlights Economic Impact of Houston Immigrants and Need for Reforms - Business leaders, immigration experts, and elected officials gathered at a recent event hosted by Amegy Bank and the Texas Association of Business in Houston, Texas, to discuss data that proves the significant positive economic impact of immigrants in the region and to emphasize the need for policy solutions to address workforce and border security challenges.

TikTok: A CCP Spy Balloon Inside Your Phone - TikTok seriously jeopardizes our national security and poses an enormous threat to our nation's youth. The application is an inconspicuous form of CCP surveillance, acting as a spy balloon in millions of Americans' phones. TikTok collects detailed data on users’ locations, browsing history, and even keystrokes, which the CCP could then use for blackmail, influence operations, and other nefarious purposes. H.R. 7521, the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act, would force Bytedance — a company aligned with the CCP — to sell TikTok or face a ban in the U.S.

Cornyn Urges House to Renew Lend-Lease Authority for Ukraine -   Yesterday on the floor, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) discussed legislation being considered by the House of Representatives to support Ukraine’s fight against Russia, including renewing the lend-lease authority granted to the President by Sen. Cornyn’s Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act. “Lend-lease is not a blank check. It gives the administration the option to lease or rent defense articles to Ukraine. It would allow us to answer Ukraine’s call to provide more of what they need and ensure it’s done in a more fiscally responsible way,” said Cornyn.


Featured Topic

ID and Tax

"ID and Tax" is a system where unauthorized immigrants would be issued tamper-proof IDs, would be taxed at the same or a higher rate than American citizens, and would be required to work for employers who deduct and match taxes. Find out more about the problems we face and the solutions.

Additional Blog Posts

Rep. Roy issues statement on the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act

Rep. Roy issues statement on H. Res. 149

Luttrell Votes to Protect Americans from CCP Influence

Cornyn on Schumer’s Israel Speech: ‘Deeply Disrespectful’

Another Breakthrough in My Afghanistan Investigation

Rep. Tony Gonzales Joins Senator Marco Rubio, Rep. María Elvira Salazar, Colleagues in Urging President Biden to Designate Tren De Aragua as a Transnational Criminal Organization

Rep. Van Duyne, Chairman Smith Announce Field Hearing on Access to Health Care in America: Ensuring Resilient Emergency Medical Care

TikTok Must Break Up With the Chinese Communist Party
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