Did you hear, folks?

Mitch McConnell’s shady super PAC is spending $67 million to attack Democrats nationwide and keep his grip on the Senate gavel.

You know it. We know it. McConnell knows it. Democrats are in a strong position to flip the four seats we need to take back the Senate. All across the country, we’re surging in the polls while Republicans struggle to stay above water.

That’s why McConnell is calling up his wealthy buddies to dump buckets of cash into battleground states and tilt the balance of these elections in their favor.

But Democrats have something much more important in our corner -- we have you. With your support, we can take on the GOP. We can’t let McConnell buy the Senate, folks, so we’re turning to you for help:

If you can afford to, will you donate $10 or more toward our critical end-of-quarter goal tonight to give Jon the resources he needs to help Democrats fight back against the GOP and retake the Senate?

Donate now

We have a real opportunity to win big this year -- but we have to fight for it.


Team Tester

P.S. If you can’t afford to donate right now, that’s okay. Too many folks are facing financial hardship right now, and the most important thing you can do is to take care of yourself and your loved ones.