2X MATCH expiring soon. Give for International Day of Forests
Trust for Public Land

John, today is International Day of Forests. Here at Trust for Public Land, we think forests are amazing and worth celebrating.  


Our list of reasons to love them is long, but we thought we’d share just a few with you: 

  They provide environmental benefits like ensuring good water quality and storing carbon. 
  They sustain critical habitats for wildlife and important endangered species.  
  They support recreational opportunities like access to trails and provide close-to-home outdoor experiences.  
  They contribute to healthy, flourishing communities and enrich cultural heritage.  
  They serve as educational resources for local residents, providing opportunities for students to engage in research or participate in nature-based programming. 

Forests do all of these things, and so much more!  


What do you love most about forests, John? Whatever your answer is, I hope you're inspired to join fellow Trust for Public Land supporters taking advantage of this special matching offer. 


Donate in honor of International Day of Forests, and Ken and Lindsay, Conservation Champions from New York’s Hudson Valley, will match your gift—dollar for dollar—up to $5,000. 


Trust for Public Land is a national leader in the growing community forest movement. We’ve worked closely with towns to help create community forests that reflect local values and fulfill residents’ vision for the future. Since 2001, we’ve established or expanded 30 community forests, totaling more than 30,000 acres. But our work is far from finished, and we rely on the generosity of people just like you to fuel critical community forest projects. 


Thank you for pitching in now while your gift can still double in impact. 

Josh VanDavier 

Trust for Public Land 


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Header photo credit: Christopher Boyer / Kestrel Aerial


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