Donald Trump has put Latinos front and center as the experiment of what he’d like to do with the rest of Americans.
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This November, our democracy is once again at stake. The safety and security of our communities is in jeopardy, with the threats of harm from Donald Trump and his campaign more vocal than ever. 

That's why Voto Latino's efforts to register and mobilize young Latinos have never been more important. If you're able, I hope you'll donate today to power our voter outreach work. 

I want to be perfectly clear: Under the Donald Trump regime, we saw him put Latinos front and center as the experiment of what he’d like to do with the rest of Americans.

I do not say this lightly, John.

When Donald Trump descended that escalator and called Latinos criminals and rapists, he tried to play it off as only talking about a person crossing the border from Mexico. But there was not a Latino in America who didn't understand that he meant us.

And it's no coincidence that the first reporter Donald Trump went after was Jorge Ramos, a Latino journalist. That was his indication that he planned to attack the press as a whole — which we saw in action while he was in office. 

We also saw him go after a Mexican judge by calling his authority and credibility into question. We later saw that was his playbook for undermining the legitimacy of the entire judicial branch and dismissing any proceedings against him as "rigged." 

Time and again, it's been made clear: While we, the Latino community, have been at Donald Trump's crosshairs first, we are the litmus test of what he intends to do with our democratic institutions as a whole.

Just recently, Donald Trump claimed in the New York Times that he intends during a second term to concentrate power and make America a democracy on paper only. If the past several years have taught us anything, it's that we must take this threat seriously.

The only way to stop Donald Trump and his extreme, anti-democratic agenda is by ensuring our communities turn out to vote in larger numbers than ever before. That's why Voto Latino is working across the country to register and mobilize young Latinos in critical swing states — and we're counting on your support to power our work.

Please: Will you donate now so we can make our voices heard this November? Together, we put an end to Donald Trump's extreme MAGA agenda by building the largest, most diverse electorate in our nation's history.

I'm counting on you.

— María Teresa Kumar

Voto Latino President & CEO 


Our voting rights, health care, reproductive rights, environment, and more are all at stake. For the cost of a cup of coffee a month, you can make a difference in our party, the outcome of future races, and in the lives of our community. Will you commit to a small monthly contribution to help make our voices heard, John?

Voto Latino
PO Box 35608
Washington , DC 20033
United States