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Hey, friends, Our speaker for Texas Tough, Connor Boyack, just sent out an email titled, "The Kids Are Revolting." I thought it was very timely since we're about to host him as our keynote speaker at Texas Tough! Texas Tough has already sold out of VIP tickets, but there are still plenty of sponsorship and general admission tickets left.
Here's what Connor said...
Friend, This isn’t one of those doom-and-gloom emails you probably receive every day. I’m writing to tell you why I’m OPTIMISTIC about the future of our nation. Here’s why I’m optimistic:
The kids are revolting against the woke orthodoxy — kids like Jaiden, who refused to remove his Gadsden flag patch and stood up to his school.

Jaiden was inspired by The Tuttle Twins books, which teach kids about liberty, free markets, entrepreneurship, and individual responsibility.
And guess what? We’ve distributed over 5 MILLION Tuttle Twins books. My goal is to create an entire generation of Jaidens to revolt against the woke orthodoxy and save our nation from big government!
About The Tuttle Twins

A decade ago, I created The Tuttle Twins to teach children the values of liberty, American history, free markets, and limited government. I saw the indoctrination back then and knew I had to create kids' entertainment that respected our values.
Here’s the best part about the Tuttle Twins: Kids love them! You will be surprised how learning about liberty, entrepreneurship, and sound money can be fun and exciting for kids.
With our books, children will learn things like:
- Why a free market economy is the greatest way to lift people out of poverty and allow people to trade with one another.
- How property rights allow us to decide what’s best for us, and make decisions for our family.
- Why the world is a better place because of entrepreneurs who create businesses to help serve us and improve our lives.
- What socialism is and why it is so destructive to our freedoms and well-being.
- How the Golden Rule is so important to people getting along with one another, no matter where we live, what we look like, or what we believe.
- Why education is so important, and why children should be allowed to learn things they are interested in.
- What true laws are, and why the government should protect our rights.
- …and so much more!
Each of our books comes with discussion questions at the end, helping parents have amazing conversations with their children about these rich ideas.
We get emails daily from parents who are blown away at how much they learned alongside their children—and how their conversations over dinner have “leveled up” by talking about real-world concepts about what’s happening in the world.
Stories like Jaidens show how The Tuttle Twins books are working their magic on the next generation.
As more children discover the ideas of freedom, American history, free markets, and limited government found in these books, the more they will question and challenge the socialist indoctrination they encounter in public schools.
You can be the reason a child becomes a pro-liberty champion.
Thank you,
 Connor Boyack President, Libertas Institute Author, Tuttle Twins
I don't know about you, but I found that inspiring, and I can't wait to hear what he has to share with True Texas Project! Of course, we also have Dr. Phil, dinner, dancing, fireworks, and cannons -- so there's something for everyone on this incredible night! Get your ticket NOW, and I'll see ya there! For the love of Texas, Julie McCarty, CEO True Texas Project |