Google election interference, SCOTUS rules on Texas Border Law, America coming apart at the seams, and more...


New research from the Media Research Center has found that tech giant Google is decidedly biased in its reporting and has engaged in election interference for years.

Election interference can occur directly or in this case indirectly, by denying or twisting information for voters thereby making it difficult to make an informed choice.

This has become all the more problematic in that tech giants receive huge contracts from the Federal Government. These companies become sensitive to the needs of clients, that is to say, the government. Crony capitalism has created almost an equivalent to state owned media.  In a sense, it may be more sinister because the appearance is that of a free market.



Vince Coyner contributor to American Thinker: If America is coming apart at the seams, it’s not because of any “systemic racism” but, rather, because Democrats have seen fit to weaponize blacks, and not just against whites, but against the very fabric of America. This plays itself out in major cities across the country where most black Americans live and dominate politics.

Jack Fitzhenry contributor to The Daily Signal: Deputy Solicitor General Brian Fletcher, arguing for the federal government, maintained that persuasive speech is all that the government used when seeking to have vaccine- or lockdown-skeptical posts deplatformed. That may be a creative re-characterization of the lengthy harangues, neither mild nor persuasive in tone, emailed multiple times a week by White House officials to executives at Facebook, Google, and X (formerly Twitter). Nevertheless, Fletcher’s interpretation of these messages met with little skepticism from the bench, save for a few probing questions from Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. Two justices with past White House experience, Elena Kagan and Brett Kavanaugh, noted that contact between executive officials and media outlets is frequent and (in their view) generally untroubling.

Josephy Simonson contributor to The Washington Beacon: “Left-wing college administrators want to transform their campuses into sanctuary cities,” Vance told the Free Beacon. “Their latest scheme at the University of California is the most lawless yet: ignore federal law and hire illegal immigrants. We cannot let American tax dollars fund illegal wages.”

Eileen F. Toplansky contributor to American Thinker: Ultimately, woke medicine will destroy the Hippocratic Oath. The idea of race-based healthcare is morally unethical, repugnant, and intrinsically destructive.




Texas law enforcement can begin charging illegal border crossers with a state crime after the U.S. Supreme Court issued a procedural ruling Tuesday.

The court issued two rulings in less than 24 hours this week, ultimately allowing Texas’ border bill, SB 4, to go into effect. The opinion sends the case back to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals to hear arguments on the merits. 

On Monday, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito issued a third extended stay on the initial stay he ordered on March 4 to prevent the law from going into effect on March 5 until the court could rule on the matter. 

Even if Trump succeeds everywhere in court, Democrats’ lawfare is costing him time and money in a busy campaign season.

Former President Donald Trump spent Thursday sitting in a Florida courtroom while his opponent, President Joe Biden, hit the campaign trail — a reminder that Democrats’ 2024 campaign strategy of “get Trump” lawfare is dangerous election interference regardless of the outcomes of particular prosecutions.

With the sudden re-emergence of Christine Blasey Ford, who tried to derail Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court with baseless accusations of sexual assault, the Democrats are clearly wasting no time in trying to get more white women back into their fold. They are looking to make the extremely nuanced case to white women, a pivotal demographic in this year’s election, as in every recent election, that Trump and his friends are all rapists.



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