Chris Coons

We're sure you're wondering: what does a Senate campaign look like in these unprecedented times? In just a matter of days, our campaign operations have radically changed — our entire staff is working remotely, we're hosting virtual phone banks, and our community fundraisers have been canceled.

While we're still doing the same things we did before — securing endorsements, talking to voters, and fundraising to re-elect Chris — the only difference is that for now, it's all online.

That's why we're turning to emails like this one to raise the funds we need to re-elect Chris this November. So if you can, please chip in $10 to sustain our online outreach so we can continue reaching voters up and down the state digitally.

Thank you,

Team Coons


--------- Begin Forwarded message ---------
From: Christy Gleason
Date: Sat. Mar. 28, 2020
Subject: Update from our campaign

Chris CoonsJoin us.
We are all living in an unprecedented time, filled with uncertainty and adjustment. Chris remains hard at work responding to this crisis through legislation and helping constituents with personal struggles during this difficult time.

Our campaign is also adjusting to our new reality.

To make sure we are keeping everyone safe, Chris has suspended all in-person campaign events and fundraisers for the foreseeable future. But the only way we can make up for this shortfall is with a surge of grassroots support from emails like this one. So that's why we're asking:

If you are financially able, any contribution you can spare right now will help us reach as many voters online as possible before Election Day.

Delaware is a small state, where voters expect to see their elected officials and candidates at the State Fair, the Italian Festival, and at events across the state. Chris, like most Delaware candidates, knocks on doors and campaigns outside stores. None of that is possible today, and we don't know when we will be able to resume traditional campaign activities. That's why we're stepping up our digital outreach like this to make sure Chris can continue fighting for our democratic values in the Senate.

With our first end-of-quarter deadline of the year just days away, we have to keep pushing if we're going to stay on track. If you can, please pitch in to help fund our digital outreach efforts so we can re-elect Chris this November.

We know this is a difficult time, so first and foremost, please take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Thank you,

Campaign Manager
Chris Coons for Delaware


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Contributions or gifts to the Chris Coons for Delaware are not tax deductible.

Paid for by Chris Coons for Delaware