Hi. I’m Adam, Director of The Humane League’s new documentary, Common Enemy.
Standing on a rural overpass, our producer José and I looked out at 45 confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs), each housing over 50,000 chickens.
I’ve been making films about factory farming for over a decade. And each time I see its destructive effects firsthand, it makes my blood boil. José and I saw so many sights like these in our time filming Common Enemy in Oklahoma—where industrial animal agriculture has been taking hold of the land, the people, and the animals.
Common Enemy is about the heroes fighting back.
An industrial poultry operation like the one José and I saw.
This fight is about animals. And just as much, it’s about people.
It’s about Deacon Jones, a disabled veteran who deals with different forms of trauma. He hoped hauling feed for an industrial pig operation would be a simple, low-stress job to help him provide more for his family. One day, with no warning, they handed him a nail gun and added “killing pigs” to his job description.
It’s about Suzette Hatfield, a former rancher who spoke out against the corporate factory farms that began polluting her community’s land and water in the 1990s. She received credible death threats from the pork industry.
It’s about Pamela Kingfisher, an environmental activist from the Cherokee Nation who spent months organizing people to fight back against the poultry operations threatening to destroy tribal land. The Cherokee Nation bought back the land and stopped the factory farm production in its tracks.
Left to right: Deacon, Suzette, and Pamela.
The industry knows exactly how powerful we are. Their goal? To stop us from realizing it too.
Years ago, when I first learned about the inconceivable scale and horrors of industrial animal agriculture, I felt hopeless. I didn’t know how to help, or where to start. Maybe you’ve felt the same way.
In my time at The Humane League, I’ve realized that change isn’t just possible. Change is happening.
Meeting these folks helped me understand a truth deep in my heart: This fight starts with us. It starts with individuals realizing they’re powerful enough to create a better future.
So I hope Common Enemy helps you realize how powerful you are. And how unstoppable we are, together.
Thanks for watching—
Adam Peditto
Video Production Manager |