
The coronavirus emergency package passed by Congress last week has shown us where Republican senators stand -- once again.

To no one’s surprise, they stood with their billionaire corporate donors instead of everyday Americans.

In response to their corporate giveaway, we’re rolling out our next wave of Senate anti-endorsements. Click in the links below to learn more about each one, and donate now to power our campaigns to make sure they get defeated in November.

John, our anti-endorsements represent the worst-of-the-worst, most corrupt Members of Congress. They include senators who voted for the Trump Tax Scam, refuse to stand up to Trump and Mitch McConnell, and do the bidding of their big donors over their voters time and time again. By anti-endorsing them we’re committing to doing everything we can to make sure they’re defeated in November so we can elect a Senate that will work for everyday people and pass critical reform.

Read more about our Senate anti-endorsements here, and chip in to defeat them in November.

While Americans come together to fight COVID-19, Republicans in the Senate have used the crisis as an opportunity to hand out billions to their wealthy donors and big corporations - it’s an outrage. They held the American people hostage and shamelessly demanded $500 billion in handouts to big corporations in the emergency coronavirus stimulus bill, and even slipped in a special tax break for the top 1%.

At the same time, they balked at providing even the most basic help for regular Americans. Senator Lindsey Graham actually threatened to hold up the entire stimulus bill over $600 payments to laid-off workers, claiming, “very few people would choose work over unemployment.”

Yet these same senators had no problem delivering a massive $2 trillion payoff to their wealthy donors and big corporations when they voted to pass the Trump Tax Scam. They’re willing to rewrite the entire federal tax code to benefit the 1%, but extra aid to regular Americans in a time of historic crisis is just too much.

That’s why we’re taking them on. From Mitch McConnell’s lifelong crusade to get more money in politics and protect Citizens United, to last week’s outrageous give-aways to corporate donors in a time of national need, it’s more clear than ever that for the sake of the country, these senators MUST be defeated.

If you are able to pitch in, even $5, $10, or $15 helps us take on senators who are selling out the American people on a daily basis. This is a challenging time for organizing, but we’re changing our tactics to adapt, and your support will make that possible.

Click here for more information on our anti-endorsed senators, and thank you for all you do,


The HAZMAT America Team


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