30,000 of us.
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This is not a fundraising email. It’s an important new petition to make retirement a requirement in U.S. labs for the next five years. Read below and contact Congress! If you no longer believe in ending animal testing, you can adjust your preferences. 


Tell Congress to include Violet's Law in the 2024 Farm Bill! 

Tell Congress to include Violet's Law in the 2024 Farm Bill! 

Tell Congress to include Violet's Law in the 2024 Farm Bill! 

  • Problem: The feds are too lazy and too cheap to adopt out animal testing survivors like Cletus and Ellie. It's more convenient to kill and burn them. Like garbage. 
  • Solution: "Violet's Law" would fix this. Retirement would be a requirement. 
  • Opportunity: The Farm Bill is passed every five years and sets animal welfare policies. We’re trying to make Congress include Violet’s Law in this year’s bill. 

EXTREMELY URGENT: Lawmakers are writing the Farm Bill right now! Unlike other legislation in Washington, this is a "must pass" bill that Congress must enact, like annual spending bills to fund government operations. 

So Taxpayer, whatever makes it into this draft will become the law of the land for the next five years. 

DEADLINE: Demand Congress put Violet's Law into the Farm Bill. It will retire and release ALL lab survivors. 

Tell Congress to include Violet's Law in the 2024 Farm Bill! 

If we don't get enough taxpayer signatures, retirement may have to wait until 2029. The Farm Bill, which sets animal welfare policies, doesn't come up again for another five long years. 
Just imagine how many lives will be wasted, Taxpayer. 
Let's be clear about something: pets are family. Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay for experiments on our family members.  
Let's be clear about something else: the government should let taxpayers welcome these survivors into our families!  

Taxpayer, that's why all eyes are on the Farm Bill. It's GROUND ZERO in the national campaign to make adoption an option.  

Tell Congress to include Violet's Law in the 2024 Farm Bill! 

Violet's Law is the most important public policy of its kind. The Farm Bill is our best chance to pass it. 

You see, Violet's Law won't just retire dogs and cats. It's for ALL regulated animals! 

And it won't just blow the doors off one laboratory. It's for ALL labs across the entire federal government! 

After we took this campaign to Rep. Nancy Mace, she said: "It's cruel and unnecessary to euthanize dogs, cats, and other animals in federal research labs that are healthy enough to be adopted out and live happy lives."

Isn't that worth just 5 seconds, Taxpayer?   

Now let's scramble to enlist all 535 Members of Congress—and QUICKLY—to take immediate action before the Farm Bill deadline... 

Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay $20 billion+ for wasteful government animal experiments.

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The White Coat Waste Project, INC.
EIN 46-085643