Town Hall: Virus Crisis

April 5, 2020

Dear John,

Already over 120 people have signed up for the CPUSA Town Hall. The theme of the meeting is Working Class Solidarity: Helping our Class and People.

In order to get maximum participation, we'd like to start an "each-one-reach-one" campaign asking comrades to invite one person to come to the event.  Can you help our party by inviting one person to the Town Hall?

If you are able to participate, please join the campaign here. Let's get the largest number of people to attend! And by the way, you don't have to be a member to attend. Everyone is welcome!! The link for signing up to the Town Hall meeting is here. 

Also we'd like to have some music at the Town Hall.  Do you sing or play an instrument? Have a demo? Please send it to [email protected] or [email protected]! Looking forward to hearding from you! Let's get this party on!





Communist Party USA
235 W. 23rd Street, 7th floor
New York, NY 10011
(Visits by appointment only)
Tel : 212-989-4994
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Email : [email protected]

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