Portage Patriots Send a Message in Primary

Workman, Crawford and others Win

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Contact: Tom Zawistowski, [email protected]

Akron, OH: Tom Zawistowski, Executive Director of the Portage County TEA Party and the Treasurer of the Ohio Citizens PAC, celebrated the huge 20% win by Heidi Workman in the 72nd Ohio House race and the upset win by Jill Crawford in the County Commissioners race along with the HUGE statewide win by Bernie Moreno in the US Senate race. Turnout for the primary election in Portage county was 25% vs 20% statewide. (Click here to see ALL the Results)

Zawistowski said, "I want to thank each and every Patriot who showed up to vote in Portage County yesterday to send a message to both the Democrats and the Republicans that we will not tolerate the pay-to-play culture of Columbus anymore. The disgusting display of spending as much as $300,000 in vicious advertising by Trans-Dem House Speaker Jason Stephens against Heidi Workman, paid for by the Democrat Unions, to re-elect Blue 22 Traitor Gail Pavliga was totally and resoundingly rejected by the voters of Portage County. They may have been able to buy Gail Pavliga and the other Blue 22, but they will not be able to buy Heidi Workman or Jill Crawford because they were elected by the people of Portage County and not you!"

Zawistowski continued, "The message from yesterdays election is crystal clear, We the People of Portage County DEMAND that the people we elect to represent US actually represent OUR BEST INTEREST and NOT those of big monied special interest. The message is also clear, if you betray the voters, We the People in Portage County can and will throw you out of office - regardless of how much dirty money you spend in the election! Let me be clear, the Patriots of Portage County may be the ONLY group of voters in the State of Ohio to be able to do what you did last night! You should be very, very proud."

Zawistowski concluded, "That is the way it was supposed to work throughout American History - the people were supposed to be able to vote out those who did not serve them. Today hardly any elected officials represent the "Will of the People" at the local, state and certainly the federal level and, other than Portage County, have no ability to defeat the big money candidates. The political parties have rigged our elections by wrongly favoring incumbents and then both political "parties" have sold themselves out to special interests. That is why Portage County Republican Party Chairman Amanda Suffecool deserves a ton of credit and your continued support. She did not put her finger on the scale and give incumbents an advantage in the Primary. She treated every candidate equally and fairly and allowed YOU the voter to decide the election. In the past, the Portage County Republican Party could barely find ANYONE to run for the various elected positions. With Amanda's leadership you now have competition! You had an actual fair choice between candidates. That is a sign of a healthy, vibrant, political party and a watershed moment in Portage County politics. One that every believer in the Constitution and Representative Government should be excited about! That is why Tuesday was a GREAT DAY for Patriots in Portage County! YOU THE VOTERS MADE IT SO!"


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