
It’s been several weeks since many of us started working from home. Businesses are closed, at least for the foreseeable future, and unemployment numbers are at historical highs. Every state in our nation has been impacted by this crisis. This is one of those moments in our country’s history that require all hands on deck.

Here’s the good news: We will get through this. And as we do, we see everyday heroes stepping up to help their fellow citizens in their time of need.

One thing this crisis has made crystal clear is that we need better leaders in Washington. It’s unacceptable that Republicans in the House and Senate lied for weeks about the seriousness of the looming crisis. They dragged their feet in getting help to Americans and prioritized relief efforts for giant and otherwise profitable corporations that chose to waste their cash flow on stock buybacks and CEO compensation instead of saving a rainy day fund.

And the GOP continues to defend President Trump’s abysmal response to this crisis that is literally costing lives every day.

We know it’s hard to focus on elections right now, but our work is more important than ever. Politics is personal; elections are the way we get better leaders who will stand up for you in Washington. That’s why we are working around the clock to help our endorsed candidates bring change to Congress, but we still need your help.

Can you make a contribution to the Serve America Victory Fund so that we can get better leaders who will help get us out of this crisis?

We have a goal of raising $10,000 today. We can’t reach that goal without you.

We hope you’re taking care of yourself. Please let us know if there’s anything we can do to help you in this time.

Serve America