
In case you missed it, Breach has launched a new project!

Organize Your Organization! is a first-of-its-kind initiative to build worker power in the nonprofit sector. As part of this project, we have co-authored a handbook: Organize Your Organization! A guide to unionizing your nonprofit workplace. This resource gives step-by-step guidance on how to start – and win – a union campaign. Download your own copy of the handbook here.

Get a copy of the handbook

Breach’s co-founders started Breach in the wake unionization campaigns at other nonprofit organizations, and empowering workers has been one of our core values from the very beginning. Now we want to share our knowledge and experience with other nonprofit workers who are ready to advocate for justice and democracy in their workplaces.

Download the handbook, follow @organizeyourorg on Twitter and Instagram, and please keep in touch! You can email us directly at [email protected]. We are here to support you on your union journey.

In solidarity,

Meg, Caitlin, Danny, and Isabel
