As AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka says, “Right now, union representation is critical in the midst of the COVID-19 public health and economic crisis, with workers facing unsafe conditions, layoffs and intense uncertainty.” This is no abstraction:
- Some 850 Alabama steelworkers with health, safety and job loss concerns have had their vote in an NLRB election postponed.
- More than 1,000 airport concessions workers in Denver and Orlando, Florida, whose jobs put them at extreme risk of exposure, now have no vote.
Meanwhile, front-line workers with union representation have seen a substantial difference in benefits and protections in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis:
- United Food and Commercial Workers members at Stop & Shop recently bargained for hazard pay, safety protocols and additional sick leave.
- Bikeshare workers represented by the Transport Workers negotiated distancing in shops, staggered shifts, touch-screen protocols and expanded New York state's sick leave standard to Bikeshare workers in all represented locations.
What's more, in the past 10 years the NLRB has taken large steps toward electronic filing and other digital operations. Implementing fully remote operating procedures will address health concerns while ensuring workers' right to a vote.
Please sign the petition and tell the NLRB: Resume operations safely so workers can rightfully vote for the representation we need!
In Solidarity,