From All On The Line <>
Subject Systematic attempts
Date March 19, 2024 2:06 PM
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Systematic attempts to unravel our democracy are happening right now across the country — one that isn’t getting enough attention is ballot initiatives that take power away from voters.

Our team is tracking critical ballot initiatives in half a dozen states right now, but we want to give you an update about two that will be before voters this November:

• In Arizona, voters will be deciding on a measure that would amend the state constitution to require signatures for ballot initiatives to be gathered from each legislative district as opposed to the current requirement of signatures from 15 percent of registered voters from the state at-large. 

• In North Dakota, voters will be deciding a measure that would institute a single subject requirement on ballot initiatives, increase the statewide signature gathering requirement to 5 percent from 4 percent of voters, and require approval in a primary and general election for any proposal that would amend the state constitution.

Yes, the details of these proposals are a bit confusing, because that’s exactly what the opposition wants — to confuse voters. But let’s be clear: When you unpack these proposals, they’re direct efforts to make it harder for citizens to engage in direct democracy and hold politicians accountable.

We’re prepared to mobilize our grassroots team and educate voters about the consequences of these anti-democratic ballot initiatives, but we need your help — will you make a donation to All On The Line today? → [link removed]

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This kind of political gamesmanship isn’t anything new. Extreme partisan forces have been doing everything they can to hold on to power for decades — these underhanded ballot initiatives are a dangerous new trend. And yes, sometimes they succeed.

They’re counting on us to be caught off guard and resting on our laurels. That won’t happen this year.

Add a donation to AOTL today so we can be prepared to fight for citizens’ voices this election year and beyond! → [link removed]

Thank you,
All On The Line

All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.

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