John, as I write you, Common Cause Michigan is working around the clock to pass the solution to our broken Electoral College. But we need your help.
I’m talking about National Popular Vote – an agreement between states to award their electoral votes to the candidate that wins the most votes nationwide. That way, someone can’t win the presidency without the majority of Americans’ support – like Bush did in 2000 and Trump did in 2016.
Last year, Common Cause members like you sent messages, called your legislators, and donated to lay the groundwork for Michigan to pass NPV.
Now, we need your help to get this bill across the finish line before the end of the legislative session.
John, National Popular Vote will bring much needed reform to our presidential elections. Right now, we’re working in a broken system where candidates for president ignore 65% of Americans. Time and time again, candidates are forced to focus on just a handful of swing states, only visiting “blue” or “red” states to fundraise.
It happens every year, and sadly, it’ll keep happening – until we take action.
National Popular Vote takes effect when 270 electoral votes worth of states sign on – and once we get Michigan on board, we’ll be just 50 away from that crucial milestone!
Just 10 years ago, that gap was 134 votes – nearly 3 times as long. Now, after a decade of slow and steady progress, victory is in sight. Our strategy works: we identify states where we can win, then we pull out all the stops and focus our nationwide grassroots efforts to get it done.
So believe me when I tell you: I’m confident we can get a running start this year by getting Michigan on board – provided that we are able to properly resource this fight.
That’s why I’m asking you today to step up and make this historic fight for a democracy where ALL voters count possible.
Can I count on you to chip in $3 today and fix our broken Electoral College?
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I hope you’ll make your mark on this historic journey to finally reform our broken Electoral College.
Thanks for all you do,
Kathay Feng, Vice President of Programs
and the team at Common Cause