
A message from our sponsor

Imagine Waking Tomorrow To Discover That Your Bank Took 50% Or More Of Your Checking & Retirement Accounts And Used The Money To Pay Off Its Debts

Look My Friend,

I write this to you with the utmost urgency. What I just described to you is the new law of the land and It was signed into law in 2010 under then President Barack Obama.

It's known under many different names:

  • The Dodd-Frank Act.
  • Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
  • Public Law 111–203
  • H.R. 4173
  • Bank Bail-In (Google this search phrase: Dodd–Frank Bail–In)

The law states that U.S. banks may take its depositors funds (i.e. your checking, savings, CD's, IRA & 401(k) accounts) and use those funds when necessary to keep itself, the bank, afloat.

That means:

  • if your bank makes bad investments in derivatives
  • or makes bad loans to sub-prime borrowers
  • or manages the bank poorly and can’t service its debt
  • or even worse the U.S. economy has another 2008 collapse

Instead of that bank going bankrupt and the banks assets sold off to be given back to its depositors…

Now the bank simply keeps your money and guess what? The bank is no longer bankrupt. Did you read that? The Bank Keeps Your Money. And here is the kicker,

It’s the law of the land and there is nothing you can do about it!

Welcome to the 21st Century in the United States of America.

But It’s Not Too Late
You Can Do Something About It

Don’t just sit idly by thinking this won’t happen to you. If you have more than $10,000 in any financial institution, that institution is eyeing your money.

They know that if they make bad decisions and run the bank into the ground, it’s ok. They can take your money and live to see another day.

By making one simple change to your savings strategy you can protect some or all of your retirement.


Before anything, get your complementary copy of: How To Protect Your Savings From Bank Seizure.

This guide will simply arm you with the necessary information you need to protect yourself, your savings, and your peace of mind.


Pick up your phone and call one of our IRA/Asset Protection Specialists for a 15-minute complementary consultation at (888) 411-GOLD (4653).

They will be able to answer all of your questions, but more importantly they can show you what smart investors are doing right now to keep their money safe from the money-grubbing hands of the banks.

Take action now. Grab your complementary copy of: How To Protect Your Savings From Bank Seizure and protect your hard-earned retirement savings.


The stock market is down 30% in the last three weeks. If the nation gets quarantined, the markets will lose another 30%. Don't gamble with your retirement. Learn what you can do now to protect yourself in times like this. Get a copy of the: Market Asset Protection Guide. The most important things you need to know about keeping your retirement safe in the stock market are in here.


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