Dear John,
Millions of people across the globe and inside Iran are gathering with close friends and family to mark the beginning of a new season and a new year. It's Norooz — a new day — and a time to be in harmony with the people who matter to us most.
After the heartbreak, anger, tears and courage of the last year, we hope that Norooz can mark a new beginning. The flowers of spring can bring us closer to what we all are hoping and working for: peace, freedom and human rights everyone deserves.

As we welcome the arrival of Norooz, a symbol of renewal and rebirth, our thoughts are with all of those caught in the shadow of conflict and oppression, and in solidarity with all those taking a stand for a brighter future.
Our community remains committed to building bridges, not walls, and to fostering a world where renewal means not just the changing of seasons, but the realization of a sustainable peace.
Wishing everyone a Norooz that brings us closer to the peace and the renewal we all seek.
Eide Shoma Mobarak!
Jamal Abdi
President, NIAC