In the FIRST TWO MONTHS of 2024!
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It's not a great sign if your bank is closing branches all over the country. That's the case for many banks in the United States in 2024, in particular Bank of America, US Bank, and Citizens, which have had the most closures thus far. In all, 222 bank branches have closed in the first two months of the year, and if it keeps up at this rate, we'll be looking at the closure of around 1,300 branches.

Is your local branch on this list?


Do you have to drive further for banking services or do things online that you'd prefer to do in person? What are your thoughts about the bank branch closures? Do you believe it's a sign of more trouble to come?

Let's discuss it in the comments section.

Prepping costs money. Everyone knows that, even the most staunch I'll-Never-Be-A-Doomsday-Prepper-Why-Don't-You-Live-A-Little co-worker you might have.

So, in this economy, under these conditions, how are you supposed to get prepared for the Next Big Catastrophe? Is it even possible?

Absolutely, it is.

And I know this for a fact from personal experience.

The number one factor people mention when asking questions on my website is money. They're wondering how they can afford to do all these things that sound so extravagant when they're just getting by. They want to know if it's even possible to prep in the world we're living in today.

They want to know if they can do it, even though they're broke.

You can.

And in this book, I'm going to show you how.

Check out Brian Duff's conversation with Dr. Arthur Bradley, an authority on electromagnetic pulse (EMP) phenomena. With a background as an airborne infantryman and a long-held role as a NASA engineer, Dr. Bradley is one of the most prolific researchers studying EMPs. His extensive research sheds light on the chaos EMPs can unleash and offers guidance on how to brace for such events.

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