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welcome to the "Inside Immigration" Newsletter of NumbersUSA

The Number One Issue for Voters in 2024: Immigration

It's no longer "the economy, stupid"..........

and it wasn't then either. Despite the smallest margin in history, the Republican majority in the House of Representatives has kept the second legislative priority it passed, H. R. 2, the Secure the Border , front and center. Do you have the facts about what H. R. 2 actually is? Download our factsheet here.

Video: Can you imagine Biden saying this in his State of the Union address?

How to Win and Pass Law that will Stop the Border Surge

Even if the House of Representatives uses its "power of the purse" to demand that our nation's borders be secured, would it ever pass the Senate? Doesn't the Senate require 60 votes in favor of a bill for any new law to go before the President? Not necessarily so!

The last time significant immigration law was passed was in 1996. It was not passed as part stand alone legislation, but rather as an amendment to an "omnibus" government appropriations bill. (We talked about mini-buses and omni-buses last week.)

The power of the purse has more benefits.
It takes only 51 votes to pass an appropriations bill.

Indications are that Speaker Johnson would prefer to battle for secure borders vs. additional Ukraine funding. However, polls show that 75% of all Americans are in favor of stopping the border crisis and bringing about sensible immigration policy. Even a growing number of House and Senate Democrats are recognizing that a secure border is the first step.

Senator Fetterman (D-PA)Senator Fetterman (D-PA)


House Continues to Raise Border Issue

HJRes 1065

The House of Representatives had another bipartisan vote on Tuesday. Offered by Rep. De La Cruz (TX-15), H.Res. 1065 Denouncing the Biden administration's immigration policies passed 226-193, with 14 Democrats joining with Republicans to support the resolution (no Republicans opposed). While this is a nonbinding resolution, it was helpful to have such a strong majority of the House not only condemn the Biden Administration's actions at the border, but urge the President to use the powers Congress has already granted him to end the crisis. The resolution advocates for-

  • Ending catch-and-release;
  • Reinstating the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP or "remain in Mexico");
  • Entering asylum cooperative agreements with foreign countries;
  • Ending parole abuse;
  • Detaining illegal aliens;
  • Utilizing expedited removal; and
  • Reining-in taxpayer benefits for illegal aliens.

    Clock is Ticking on Homeland Funding

    Official DHS logo House and Senate are returning next week, and they're running out of time to either fund the rest of the government by March 22nd, or face a partial shutdown. Reports suggest that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is a major hang up, largely due to immigration.

    We'll soon know how Congress will proceed. Will they use the power of the purse to at least mitigate the border crisis, or will DHS, along with its self-imposed border crisis, be funded in full? Will they even be able to fund DHS for the rest of the year, or will they kick the can down the road with another short-term continuing resolution?

    Visit your Action Board now.

    Make sure your elected representatives are hearing you want them to end the border crisis now.


    Our latest report is live at Love Hurts continues the secondary-migration theme of our previous study, Californicating Idaho. Federal immigration policy is a direct and indirect cause of NC's sprawl, congestion, traffic, and diminished quality of life. A strong majority of voters support mandatory E-Verify; and a plurality support reductions in legal immigration, which is necessary, along with a secure border, for destination states to conserve and preserve what makes them so attractive in the first place.

    Senator Fetterman (D-PA)

    Immigration and Overshoot

    Mass immigration is a big reason why America is forced to borrow from other countries and from future generations (i.e. using our resources faster than they can be replenished) to handle our consumption and our waste. Illegal immigration across the border alone has added 7.2 million people since President Biden took office. Read more from Henry Barbaro.

    Immigration and Conservation Politics

    Political candidates take note: a conservation platform can give you an edge, but there's a catch.

    Video: Conservation Candidates Must Address Immigration


    "A License For Plunder"

    Sir Angus DeatomImmigration contributes to inequality; America has a special obligation to our citizens; and America's economy is not working for the majority of citizens today. Those are three of Sir Angus Deaton's (2015 Nobel Prize in Economics) boat-rocking conclusions in his recently published article, "Rethinking My Economics."

    Deaton's observations will be familiar to you in the sensible immigration movement. NumbersUSA's founder, Roy Beck, detailed the history of immigration and Black progress in Back of the Hiring Line.

    Unlike his fellow economist, Paul Krugman, Deaton has changed his mind to be more skeptical of mass immigration. He calls on his fellow economists to add an ethical and philosophical dimension to their work. When economics is only about market efficiency, Deaton writes, "our recommendations become little more than a license for plunder." NumbersUSA's work bears witness to how immigration policy has stolen Black wealth before it can even be earned. Read and Watch more here.



    President Biden wants Congress to pass a border bill stating that his administration and all future administrations SHALL release a minimum of 1,400 "inadmissible aliens" into the United States per day (even when the President is "shutting down the border")

    Video: Did Biden Lie About His Border Bill in the State of the Union?
