The Number One Issue for Voters in 2024: Immigration
It's no longer "the economy, stupid"..........
and it wasn't then either. Despite the smallest margin in history, the Republican majority in the House of Representatives has kept the second legislative priority it passed, H. R. 2, the Secure the Border , front and center. Do you have the facts about what H. R. 2 actually is? Download our factsheet here.
Video: Can you imagine Biden saying this in his State of the Union address?
How to Win and Pass Law that will Stop the Border Surge
Even if the House of Representatives uses its "power of the purse" to demand that our nation's borders be secured, would it ever pass the Senate? Doesn't the Senate require 60 votes in favor of a bill for any new law to go before the President? Not necessarily so!
The last time significant immigration law was passed was in 1996. It was not passed as part stand alone legislation, but rather as an amendment to an "omnibus" government appropriations bill. (We talked about mini-buses and omni-buses last week.)
The power of the purse has more benefits. It takes only 51 votes to pass an appropriations bill.
Indications are that Speaker Johnson would prefer to battle for secure borders vs. additional Ukraine funding. However, polls show that 75% of all Americans are in favor of stopping the border crisis and bringing about sensible immigration policy. Even a growing number of House and Senate Democrats are recognizing that a secure border is the first step. |