March Newswire
UNICEF's global coronavirus emergency response
With cases reported in Syria, Cox's Bazar and many other places already in crisis, this pandemic has become truly global. UNICEF is rushing to provide supplies and expertise globally to tackle the coronavirus outbreak, but we also must fight the second, parallel epidemic of misinformation around this disease. Stay safe by learning the facts.
Get informed >>
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Improving sustainable water access for rural communities in Guinea
Access to safe drinking water is a human right, yet 663 million people around the world lack access to it. UNICEF's Water for Guinea project has helped communities learn manual drilling to provide sustainable access to safe water points in rural villages, where heavy machinery can't go.
Read about Phase II of this project >>
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The Kenyan girls fighting period poverty
In Kenya, more than 1 million girls miss school each month because they cannot afford sanitary pads. See how UNICEF is partnering with the government to alleviate 'period poverty.'
Learn more from Al Jazeera >>
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How plants are making refugee camps feel a little more like home
Many refugees are using plants to cultivate green spaces for themselves, brightening their days and rooting themselves even in a temporary home.
Check it out in The New Yorker >>
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Meet the young Venezuelans escaping to Brazil alone
After years of economic meltdown in Venezuela, more and more unaccompanied minors are fleeing to Brazil in search of a better life. Between July and December of 2019, at least 422 Venezuelan children and teenagers entered Brazil without a parent or guardian.
Read more from the Guardian >>
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Urge Congress to continue partnering with UNICEF to protect children
Demand your legislators maintain the U.S. Government's contribution to UNICEF at $134 million for FY 2021.
Take action >>
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