Lauren Underwood For Congress

John — The Illinois primary election is here and the last day to vote is tomorrow.

I cannot stress enough how crucial your vote is in shaping our community's future. Our democracy thrives when every voice is heard, and your vote is a crucial part of that process.

Our primary elections are not simply about selecting candidates — they are about determining the direction of our community's values and priorities. 

This is an opportunity for us to make a meaningful impact on issues that truly matter, including expanding access to affordable health care, bringing more good-paying jobs to northern Illinois, protecting our communities from gun violence, and strengthening our democracy.

Despite our progress, there are plenty of challenges ahead, and our continued success depends on your support. John, your contribution will help us overcome obstacles and continue our fight for a better future for all.


Lauren is pushing for progress in Congress, but she needs your help to protect our victories and continue advancing our goals. Your vote and support are critical in this effort.

Please ensure that you have a plan in place to cast your vote today or tomorrow and join us in our mission to create a stronger, healthier, and more equitable Illinois. Together, we have the power to make a real difference. 

Time is running out, so visit and head to the polls today!

We sincerely appreciate your support and thank you for being a vital part of our movement.

Pavitra Abraham
Senior Advisor
Lauren Underwood for Congress