
When former California inmate Amie Ichikawa returned to the free world after serving a five-year sentence, she began sounding the alarms. Women were being harmed as a result of convicted men—including serial rapists—easily gaining access to women’s prison. They still are.

Her desperate pleas for help, however, were met with the cold-shoulder by organizations and activists who traditionally serve as advocates for women’s rights. 

These so-called “advocates” told her to “be careful” and “learn the language.” But Ichikawa refused to be silenced. She doesn’t view what’s happening to female inmates under new prison “transgender” policies as political; to her, it is a human rights issue.
As a former inmate who was also incarcerated with convicted men who identified as women, Ichikawa feels obligated to be a voice for the forgotten women—neglected and silenced—behind bars.

In Independent Women's Forum’s newest episode of our documentary mini-series, Cruel & Unusual Punishment: The Male Takeover of Female Prisons, Ichikawa shares her story of fighting for female inmates when no one else would. But this is only the beginning of what will be a brutal, uphill battle against radical gender ideologues.

Cruel & Unusual Punishment tells the stories of current and formerly incarcerated women, along with insiders from the correctional world, who are bravely sharing the fallout of policies that allow male offenders—including convicted sex offenders—to declare themselves “women” and be housed with females.

WATCH our latest episode HERE.

Friend, we will not let Amie be alone in speaking out on behalf of the women whose voices have fallen on deaf ears in the prison system. At Independent Women's Forum, we are right here alongside her to support this fight. 

JOIN US. Watch our latest episode, share it, and support us in this fight for dignity and justice for incarcerated women. 


Andrea Mew
Storytelling Manager
Independent Women’s Forum

PS: Check out Amie Ichikawa’s exclusive New York Post op-ed, “Why are women’s prisons in California passing out condoms?” HERE.