“Kamala Harris proposes bill to invest in safe drinking water”
-- Jul 22, 2019
The water crisis in Flint was put in the national spotlight again after the second round of the Democratic presidential debates in Detroit, Michigan. And despite what some folks claim -- the crisis in Flint is far from over, friends.
Throughout the city, plastic bags still cover drinking fountains, pastors continue to baptize people using only bottled water, and although concerns over tap water persist, the state of Michigan stopped providing free bottled water for residents more than a year ago.
Look, environmental injustice is putting the health and safety of Black communities in danger across the country. That’s why Senator Kamala Harris has proposed the “Water Justice Act” to invest in clean and safe drinking water programs, with priority given to high-risk communities and schools.
Crises like the one in Flint are happening across the country, and it’s time our leaders take responsibility. Join us in calling on Congress to invest in safe drinking water NOW.
This isn’t just about dangerous drinking water, it’s about politicians who have been ignoring the Black communities who have been dealing with contaminated and dangerous water for years.
What families are living through in Flint would never slide in a white, middle-class town, which is why we are holding Congress accountable and calling on our leaders to do better.
So, if you’re ready to bring justice to Flint, please add your name to our petition to demand the government addresses the clean water crisis in our country and invests in solutions like Senator Harris’s.
Thank you,
The Collective Team