The clock is ticking, John, and we need big, bold solutions to address the largest existential threat of our generation: The rapidly worsening climate crisis.
That’s why headlines like this make me particularly frustrated:

Corporate polluters and the Congressional Republicans that enable them are the problem, and the best way to fight back is by electing Democrats ready to take action on climate change. Can you pitch in $25 to help me do that?
If we want our children and grandchildren to inherit a habitable planet, we need to take action immediately.
We need to invest in clean energy like wind and solar.
We need to hold polluters and the worst offenders accountable.
We must create new, green jobs, and provide training for workers moving into the sector.
We have to create programs that incentivize developers and entrepreneurs to prioritize renewable energy.
Thanks to Democrats, we’ve already passed the largest investment in green energy in our country’s history, but that’s only the beginning.
To continue pushing to save the planet, we need to vote out climate change deniers and flip the House blue. Are you ready to help Democrats win big so we have the votes to seriously tackle the climate crisis? Then, I hope you’ll start by chipping in $25 to keep KY-03 blue!
The time for action is now, John.
So let’s get to it.
—Morgan McGarvey
