March 31, 2020
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Hugh Moore and his pathogenic population control schemes[1], and why every Catholic needs to remember his name
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March 31, 2020
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

March 31, 2020
JOAN SWIRSKY ? Several months ago, my husband Steve had a bad cold. I plied him with tea and honey and chicken soup (aka Jewish penicillin), bought over-the-counter bromides that promised relief, kept him away from people and people away from him, and even insisted that he try a folk remedy I was told was very effective and proved to be – smearing Vicks VapoRub on the bottoms of his feet (before putting socks over them) at nighttime, the better to wake up with clear nasal passages and lungs.... (more)

March 31, 2020
REV. MARK H. CREECH ? Our country has entered the place of the unknown, unchartered territory. We need wisdom, strength, and hope for the days ahead. God knows our comings and our goings. The following are written prayers I penned to address various people and circumstances affected by the coronavirus pandemic. You are at liberty to make these prayers your very own. Pray them with your family and friends. Share them via email or social media. However, let me add a caution. These are scripted prayers meant only to help with intercession. Scripted prayers are meaningless unless one's heart is united with the words.... (more)

March 30, 2020
BRYAN FISCHER ? From 1865-1867, England experienced a deadly viral plague among its livestock, an epidemic that wiped out "myriads" of that nation's cattle. The effects of this plague were felt in every household, rich and poor alike, as supplies of meat, cheese, milk and butter dried up. It consumed the nation's wealth. Bishop J.C. Ryle said, it was "as if gold and silver were snatched from us and thrown into the sea." There was, he says, a "curse of helplessness" upon the land.... (more)

March 30, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? From the start of the coronavirus crisis, President Trump has been trying to figure out – and cut through – the bureaucracy. His latest victory is the decision by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to accept 30 million donated doses of hydroxychloroquine sulfate and one million donated doses of chloroquine phosphate for possible use in treating patients hospitalized with COVID-19 or for use in clinical trials.... (more)

March 30, 2020
DICK MORRIS ? President Donald Trump's handling of the coronavirus crisis has displayed a positive side of him that many had not acknowledged before, political commentator Dick Morris said on Sunday.... (more)

March 30, 2020
NEWSMAX ? China faces a "reckoning" in the United Kingdom for this global coronavirus pandemic, from spreading the disease to potentially lying about their number of cases, according to allies of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.... (more)

March 29, 2020
THE FEDERALIST ? British scientist Neil Ferguson ignited the world's drastic response to the novel Wuhan coronavirus when he published the bombshell report predicting 2.2 million Americans and more than half a million Brits would be killed. After both the U.S. and U.K. governments effectively shut down their citizens and economies, Ferguson is walking back his doomsday scenarios.... (more)

March 29, 2020
THE FEDERALIST ? As U.S. state and local officials halt the economy and quarantine their communities over the Wuhan virus crisis, one would hope our leaders were making such major decisions based on well-sourced data and statistical analysis. That is not the case. A scan of statements made by media, state governors, local leaders, county judges, and more show many relying on the same source, an online mapping tool called COVID Act Now. The website says it is "built to enable political leaders to quickly make decisions in their Coronavirus response informed by best available data and modeling."... (more)

March 29, 2020
Case triggered when agency fast-tracked new Ebola meds
WORLDNETDAILY ? A federal appeals court has cleared the way for researchers to access the Food and Drug Administration's emergency drug-approval process. The ruling from the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals comes as the nation seeks treatments for the Chinese coronavirus. The ruling concerns ZMapp, a drug given emergency FDA approval to treat Ebola during the 2014-16 outbreak.... (more)

March 28, 2020
WORLDNETDAILY ? The nation is gripped with coronavirus panic, but there is also fear about what is going to happen to our freedoms and our economy once the crisis is over. This pandemic has taken its toll on the United States and that is not lost on conservative actor Chuck Norris, who published an Op-Ed for WND on Monday wondering how long it would be until we were under martial law.... (more)

March 28, 2020
NATIONAL REVIEW ? The House passed a historic $2.2 trillion coronavirus relief bill on Friday, sending it to President Trump's desk for signature. The massive spending package is intended to buoy the flagging economy, which has been damaged by the coronavirus pandemic as it spreads across the country and causes businesses to shut down and lay off workers.... (more)

March 28, 2020
'Considerably less than 1%,' he writes in New England Journal of Medicine
ART MOORE ? Dr. Anthony Fauci, a key member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, co-authored an article published Thursday in the New England Journal of Medicine predicting the fatality rate for the coronavirus will turn out to be like that of a "severe seasonal influenza."... (more)

March 28, 2020
DAILY CALLER ? Fox News host Tucker Carlson predicted that former Vice President Joe Biden "will not be the Democratic nominee" that ends up facing President Donald Trump in November. After a slow start in the early primaries, Biden won South Carolina overwhelmingly in late February, rolled to victory on Super Tuesday, and has been unstoppable ever since. However, he still doesn't hasn't officially sealed the Democratic nomination, although reaching the 1,991 electoral votes required seems like a formality at this point.... (more)

March 27, 2020
Today Show's Hoda Kotb moved to tears over Brees' $5 million donation to help his state cope with COVID-19
TODAY ? With a huge spike in coronavirus cases in Louisiana, Drew Brees, quarterback for the New Orleans Saints, is stepping up to help his home state, donating $5 million. He tells TODAY that "this is a devastating thing for a lot of people but especially for the state of Louisiana," adding, "We have to come together and help one another."... (more)

March 27, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? Since "climate change" has not ushered in world government, the global health crisis will have to do. Hence, Greta Thunberg has announced it's "extremely likely" she has had coronavirus. She wasn't tested but quickly recovered, she says. Now, we are told, the world has to come together to create a global government financed by global taxes to deal with future pandemics.... (more)

March 27, 2020
FOX NEWS ? President Trump's approval numbers are as high as they've ever been throughout his presidency as he deals with the coronavirus outbreak, according to the latest Gallup poll. The poll shows 60 percent of Americans approve of the president's handling of his actions to combat the virus. That includes 94 percent of Republicans and 60 percent of Independents, while just 27 percent of Democrats approve of the president's handling of the outbreak.... (more)

March 27, 2020
YOUTUBE ? President Donald Trump joins 'Hannity' in exclusive interview to breakdown how he is working with Americans to fight coronavirus. (For BitChute back-up video, click here and go to 23:32.)... (more)

March 26, 2020
Initial figures prompted unprecedented virus response
ART MOORE ? The lead author of a dire coronavirus study cited by the White House, Downing Street, and other governments in their decisions to urge or impose unprecendented lockdowns and "social distancing" has drastically revised the estimated death toll of the pandemic in the U.K.... (more)

March 26, 2020
FOX NEWS ? Dr. Anthony Fauci slammed the media's ongoing attempt to "pit" him against President Trump, expressing his desire for that to stop. Appearing on the radio show "Mornings on the Mall" on Tuesday, Dr. Fauci was asked about the growing number of stories that depict an apparent tension between him and President Trump.... (more)

March 26, 2020
WORLDNETDAILY ? A physician in New York state claims he has used the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine and zinc to treat 350 patients for COVID-19 with 100 percent success. In a video posted on YouTube, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko said he saw the symptom of shortness of breath resolved within four to six hours, the Gateway Pundit blog reported.... (more)

March 26, 2020
100 percent success rate
VOSIZNEIAS.COM ? Dr. Vladimir Zelenko of Monroe, New York, makes appeal to President Trump on a treatment for the Coronavirus.... (more)

March 26, 2020
YOUTUBE ? Doctors turn to malarial drugs as potential coronavirus treatment; Florida man with coronavirus says drug touted by Trump saved his life.... (more)

March 26, 2020
WASHINGTON EXAMINER ? For those wondering if U.S. Attorney John Durham's secretive review of the origins and conduct of the Trump-Russia investigation will be delayed by the growing coronavirus outbreak in the United States, a new report offered a clue.... (more)

March 26, 2020
Conservatives need to engage in ?story-telling? arts, not just non-fiction and documentaries?as well as create new delivery systems
YOUTUBE ? Nick Searcy is an actor and director with an impressive list of television and film credits, including The West Wing, Criminal Minds, Hawaii Five-O, Justified, Days of Thunder, Fried Green Tomatoes, The Fugitive, The Shape of Water, and Moneyball. He has also directed two films: Carolina Low and Gosnell, The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer.... (more)

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