![]() Please give a crucial $25, $50, $100, or more NOW to fuel my critical, class action lawsuits to GET JUSTICE FOR ALL JANUARY 6 PEACEFUL PROTESTERS AND SET THEM FREE! As a supporter of Freedom Watch, you know I worked as a federal prosecutor for the Department of Justice. You see, I wanted to serve and protect the American people. But I learned the DOJ wasn’t a friend of the people. In fact, it was often their enemy. And today, I’m sick to my stomach at what the DOJ has become… and what it’s doing to January 6 peaceful protesters. The DOJ is weaponized against January 6 peaceful patriots. And you and me, our families and friends, and our fellow Americans are next if we don’t stop them. Because the DOJ knows Joe Biden is lying about the so-called insurrection on January 6. In fact, the DOJ KNOWS:
What’s more, I’ve seen the smart phone videos recorded by Trump supporters outside the U.S. Capitol building on January 6, 2021. These videos clearly show U.S. Capitol Police firing flash bangs, rubber bullets, and tear gas and/or pepper spray at PEACEFUL PROTESTERS. Yes, you read that right. They attacked peaceful patriots, some with children, with:
And they weren’t used on violent Black Lives Matter and Antifa radicals…they were used on AMERICAN CITIZENS AND THEIR FAMILIES who peacefully held signs and exercised their First Amendment-protected rights! But there’s something you can do about it. As you know, I’m fighting back peacefully and legally for the January 6 patriots. I’ve filed critical lawsuits, including a new one that PROVES the FBI and other agencies carried out ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE on January 6 patriots. That means their criminal convictions can be THROWN OUT. And their criminal trials MUST STOP. And I’m taking other hard-hitting legal actions to protect our fellow Americans and other endangered rights and liberties. Patriot, PLEASE help me fully fund these critical fights with your very best gift of $25, $50, $100, $250, or more immediately. Very few lawyers are fighting for January 6 peaceful protesters. Some of them have even folded under the intense pressure, and pushed their clients to plead guilty to crimes they didn’t commit. But I will FIGHT BACK peacefully and legally, with your vital support. Patriot, I beg you to help me defend these abused Americans with your crucial gift of $25, $50, $100, $250, or more right now. Thank you! In Justice, ![]() Larry Klayman Founder, Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch Chairman and General Counsel, Freedom Watch, Inc. P.S. Patriot, the DOJ KNOWS they’re putting innocent Americans in prison. And you and I are next, if we don’t fight back peacefully and legally. Please help me defend the January 6 Peaceful Protesters with your best gift of $25, $50, $100, or more immediately. |