$25 Billion in Emergency Public Transit Funding
Muni Service Cuts
Keep Drivers and Riders Safe
SFTR Survey Deadline


$25 Billion in Emergency Public Transit Funding

Late last week, Congress approved the biggest emergency stimulus package in U.S. history. Joining with over 240+ organizations nationwide to write letters, send emails, and call decision makers, we secured $25 billion for public transit operations as part of the stimulus package, up from zero transit funding in the original bill. While we know this will not be enough to cover the funding shortfall in the coming months, the roughly $1.3 billion Bay Area transit agencies will receive from the stimulus package is a testament to the power of organizing and the need for organizations like ours.

Thank you to everyone who wrote in, called, or signed a petition!

Looking forward, we will need to secure significantly more funding for the duration of the emergency, and for the subsequent recovery. We envision a recovery that puts transit and riders first - it is clearer than ever how essential they are to the health and functioning of our communities. 

Transit agencies didn't recieve emergency funding for operations after the recession of 2008, and we're still dealing with the impact of cuts that were never restored. We can’t let this happen again. Our work in the coming months is going to be more important than ever: keeping riders and operators safe, fighting service cuts, and advocating for a clean, green recovery that moves us toward a world-class, accessible transit system.

If you are able, please consider renewing your membership or making an additional donation to support public transit advocacy in this critical moment.


Muni Service Cuts

SFMTA is shutting down the entire light rail system due to significant drops in ridership and an increasing need to prioritize routes outside of downtown. Shutting down the Muni metro stations will help SFMTA minimize the risk of coronavirus spread in these high-traffic areas. SFMTA will redirect resources to more cleaning and sanitizing elsewhere. We also hope to see much needed maintenance work on light rail vehicles and infrastructure. Buses will replace the J, KT, L, M, and N for the time being. 

While San Francisco Transit Riders supports these changes in the name of public health, safety, and resilience, we will work to make sure these changes are only temporary and that service resumes following the outbreak, hopefully better than ever. Click here to find out more about SFMTA's service changes.

Are you riding Muni? What are you seeing and experiencing? Please share your stories with [email protected]. We're sheltering in place and have lost our normal daily connection with transit!


Keep Drivers and Riders Safe

Public transit is an essential piece of the emergency response. It needs to be as safe as possible for Muni drivers and riders who are crucial to keeping the city moving. While we support all that SFMTA has done to address the crisis, more action is needed.  

We're joining Muni operators and the Transport Workers Union in calling on SFMTA to:

  • stop collecting fares during the coronavirus
  • urge rear-door boarding (unless a ramp or assistance is needed)
  • provide enough service to allow proper social distancing on buses

Muni operators are putting their health at risk to provide vital access to essential employment, resources, and healthcare for those in need. AC Transit and VTA have already stopped collecting fares to protect drivers and riders from possible infection. It is time for SFMTA to do the same.


Shape the future of our rider-first movement!

We listen to and lead with riders. Our grassroots movement relies on the work of our members and volunteers to make change. Take the the 2020 Transit Riders Survey to help shape what transit advocacy and campaigns we take on next. The deadline for taking the survey is April 10th so don't delay!

Now Is the Time to Fix Public Transit Funding
What if Transit Runs Out of Money?
Experts: Senate Bill’s $25B for Transit Won’t Be Enough
Job #1: Protect Transit Workers

San Francisco Transit Riders
P.O. Box 193341,  | San Francisco, California  94119 

[email protected]
