St. Patrick bravely preached against the pagan practice of child sacrifice in ancient Ireland. Today, we face the modern form of child sacrifice through abortion. While remembering St. Patrick's Day, we call on Ireland's Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, as he celebrates in D.C. with President Biden to truly honor Ireland's patron saint! We call on our leaders to abandon plans to abolish the 72-hour waiting period for abortion.
Abolishing the waiting period denies women a pause for profound reflection on this life-altering decision. It fast-tracks Ireland down a troubling path of unlimited abortion access at any stage of pregnancy. We urge Taoiseach Varadkar and President Biden to uphold the sanctity of human life by maintaining the waiting period in Ireland.
Be like St. Patrick- Sign our Petition to Defend Life NOW!
Let us bring an end to this new era of human sacrifice, as St. Patrick did centuries ago. Every life is precious from conception. Respect for the unborn honors Ireland's legacy and St. Patrick’s message of human dignity.
Standing with St. Patrick, Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. Share this petition with three or even better…four close friends. Here's the email we sent you earlier on this weekend:
 St. Patrick led Ireland from human sacrifice. It's now our turn to do the same. This St. Patrick's Day, we honor his legacy by reaffirming our commitment to life. We URGE Ireland's Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, to protect the 72-Hour waiting period for abortions in Ireland. Do what St. Patrick did! Protect Lives! Sign Petition Here! |
Dear John,
Abortion was legalised in Ireland in 2018. Since then, there has been a 300% increase in the number of abortions performed. Last year, 2023, over 10,000 abortions took place. With just over 50,000 births in Ireland, 10,000 abortions is a shocking number for a small country. The Irish government’s response to this humanitarian disaster, is to impose restrictions on those who peacefully and silently pray near facilities that carry out abortions! More shockingly, they have recently begun to dismantle some of the restrictions around obtaining an abortion. One such restriction, the 72-Hour Waiting period, was put in place so that after an initial consultation with a doctor a period of reflection would be observed for 72 hours (three days) before an abortion could be performed. During this period, women could explore alternatives to abortion and seek out any available supports. Based on recent figures, it appears that almost 4000 women changed their minds during this reflection period and did not continue to have an abortion. This weekend, as we honor Ireland’s patron saint, Patrick, and when Ireland's Taoiseach visits Washington DC to meet the US President and a host of politicians, we must send a clear message demanding that the Irish Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, abandon plans to abolish the 72-Hour waiting period and instead develop supports for women in Ireland to help them choose life.
Sign our petition for St. Patrick’s Day demanding 72-hours to protect the unborn!
St. Patrick's message is completely lost in modern celebrations, with green clover, green beer, and leprechauns surrounding his legacy.
Very few know that in pagan Ireland, firstborn children were sacrificed to the ancient gods of prosperity. Many forget Patrick preached and won the battle against human sacrifice in Ireland!
There are terrible similarities between what Patrick faced in fifth-century Ireland and what we face today. It is difficult to believe we see the same societally accepted shedding of human blood in the United States and now in Ireland. And yet, in our modern times, the abortion industry promises women prosperity if they abort their infants. I wonder how many firstborn children have been sacrificed in our time?
Remember St. Patrick’s Day, Sign Petition to Keep the 72-hour Reprieve for the Unborn.
By remembering the story, work, and message of St. Patrick, we are reminded that human sacrifice is nothing new. As we witness governments practice a modernized version of human sacrifice, may those from all faiths realize the harm abortion brings to our culture. If we do not win, Ireland will continue down the same road many nations are going, with open abortions for all at any stage of pregnancy.
If we win, Ireland and Irish Americans will honor their heritage and human life by taking a stand.
The least we can do is allow women extra time to evaluate the life-altering decision.
In honor of St. Patrick, we call on our leaders, and today specifically Taoiseach Leo Varadkar and President Joe Biden, to protect as many lives as possible by keeping the 72-hour waiting period in Ireland.
We call on our leaders to abandon the ways of ancient Ireland. Bring human sacrifice to an end once again!
Be like St. Patrick! Say No to child sacrifice! Give mother’s time and babies a 72-hour reprieve! Standing for Life, Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team “May the strength of God pilot us, may the wisdom of God instruct us, may the hand of God protect us, may the word of God direct us. Be always ours this day and for evermore.” --St. Patrick (c. 386-461)
P.S. Be like St. Patrick! Save as many babies as you can! Share this petition with three or even better…four close friends.