Williams Weekly

Dear Texans,

Just a few short years ago under President Trump, our nation was thriving. Our streets were safe, Main Street was living the American Dream, and our nation was respected on the world stage. Today, under Joe Biden, America is less safe, less prosperous, and less respected than perhaps any other time in our nation's history. Biden has tried to hit the reset button on his failed presidency, but his words do not match his actions. Under his leadership, Americans have experienced one crisis after another, and nothing he says can change that fact. As your Representative in Congress, I am fighting each day to uphold the values that matter most to you. Read below and voice your opinions on the top Democrat-created issues facing our nation.

Biden’s Border Invasion

Biden has spent the past three years ignoring the cries of American families destroyed by his deadly open border policies while facilitating an unprecedented invasion of our country. Since Joe Biden took office, there have been over 8.7 million illegal crossings nationwide and the total number of illegal immigrants who have entered through our southern border is greater than the population of 36 individual states. House Republicans have put forward the strongest border legislation in history to secure our nation, but radical Senate Democrats refuse to act. Biden has the power to end this deadly invasion today, but he chooses not to.

How have Biden's open border policies affected you?



Biden's Economic Failures

Our Commander in Chief has turned a blind eye to the millions of families who are forced to choose between paying bills and putting food on the table. Under Biden, Americans are spending $1,000+ more a month just to afford the basics. Instead of taking accountability and joining House Republicans in restoring a strong economy for the American people, Biden has doubled down. The numbers don't lie... Bidenomics is destroying Main Street.

Are you struggling to keep up with the effects of Bidenomics?


I will continue to fight against the radical left on behalf of my constituents in TX-25 to preserve the principles and ideals that make America the greatest country on Earth: a secure border, a strong economy, a respected and feared military and an unwavering belief that all lives are sacred.

In God we trust,

Roger Williams

Member of Congress

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