Your support is what powers our campaign. Truly, none of the work that we do would be possible without your generous contributions to help send Pat back to Congress.
But today, we need your help with something else. If you have a few moments, we’d love it if you could take a couple of minutes to give us some input on our campaign strategy.
We’re running full-steam ahead toward the general election, and our team is making decisions about how we want to use our time and resources to reach voters and send Pat back to Congress.
But we can’t do our jobs right unless we hear from you, too. We want to ensure that our campaign responds to your priorities, because that’s what will give us the best chance of reelecting Pat.
Pat is proud of the fact that this is a grassroots-powered campaign — and he values your input. Will you share your thoughts with us on our campaign strategy so we can make sure we’re on the right path?
Thanks for taking the time to give us your feedback, and thank you for continuing to support this campaign.
— Pat Ryan HQ

Pat Ryan defied pundits and pollsters twice in 2022, winning in a high-profile special election in August and becoming the only Democrat to win a toss-up race in New York.
As a West Point graduate, Pat lives and serves the Hudson Valley with duty and honor. Pat has a proven record of standing up for his country and community and is unequivocal in his fight to defend our rights and freedoms. Chip in to help Pat defend this toss-up seat!