![]() Patriot, Cue the next emergency. This week, Congress is expected to pass yet another “mini-bus” spending bill or face another government shut-down. While the grassroots are furiously focused on last week’s “TikTok” emergency, Washington, D.C. Swamp Creatures will be making costly sweetheart deals with our money. And of course, the Biden regime is demanding we spend even more recklessly than ever before, while our country is broke and $34.513 TRILLION (and counting) in debt. The 2025 budget Biden proposed last week – before the final 2024 budget has even been passed, and we’re six months into the fiscal year – will hike taxes, increase federal spending to unprecedented levels, and ensure our national debt continues to spiral out of control year after year. ONE TRILLION
DOLLARS is now added to the debt every 100 days! And too many in Congress and the White House don’t seem to care. All of the reckless spending during the Covid panic that was supposed to be “temporary” set a new baseline for burning through more and more money. And all of the spending is sacrificing America’s future prosperity so the politicians in Washington, D.C. can enrich lobbyists, Big Pharma, Big Banks, Big Tech, and the Industrial War Machines, who in turn fund the politicians’ campaigns. It is truly a disgrace. The price of everything from consumer goods to housing prices to insurance remains much higher than before the pandemic. Household savings have plummeted as many Americans must dig into their savings and go into debt to cover basic living expenses. And yet the politicians always find a way to spend more and more regardless of which party is in control. The federal government is running out of time to cut spending before they trigger a financial meltdown. That’s why we must continue to demand our representatives CUT SPENDING NOW! As C4L Chairman Ron Paul showed when he released his economic plan in his 2012 presidential campaign – even cutting just 1% of the federal budget would cause it to balance over time. That’s how little they need to cut, and yet they still can’t bring themselves to do it. Instead, the budget just gets bigger and bigger. We’ve seen this act before: Democrats threaten to shut down the government, and Republicans cave. And vice versa. Patriot, these extremist “uniparty” tactics need to be stopped. It’s up to you and me to demand Republicans CUT SPENDING NOW . . . The Republicans, led by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), don't appear to be working with House Republicans to figure out a plan forward. If anything, McConnell seems bent on demanding even more money, while House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) bends the knee to his left flank, and President Biden uses taxpayer dollars to fly foreign refugees into our country and put them up in costly hotels. Patriot, this outrageous conduct will continue unless more and more lawmakers hear from their
constituents. Take a moment to tell them right now: CUT SPENDING NOW! You and I MUST continue to keep up the pressure on our lawmakers. And if you can, please chip in a generous contribution to help us spread the message of liberty. Can we count on your support of $100, or even $50 or $25? For Liberty, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. Congress is still working out the budget in parts, but we know, sooner or later, it’s going to be the same scramble it always is to pass a massive budget that makes no meaningful reforms. But every bit of pushback from We the People helps turn the tide. Take just a moment to tell Congress: CUT SPENDING NOW! If you support the important work Campaign for Liberty does to expose, fight, and defeat this statist scheme and so many more, please support Campaign for Liberty with a contribution. Whether you can contribute $1,000 or $100 … $500 or $50, $100 or $25, these reckless spending schemes will harm us all. So please contribute what you can afford. Thank you in advance! If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send your check to Campaign for Liberty, PO Box 104, Lake Jackson TX 77566 or you can call 703-865-7162. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great
American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of
education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |