Hello —

Thank you for everything you’re doing to power our campaign during this difficult time. So many people have stepped up to give what they can, whether it’s $2 or $5 or even $25 to help us flip Colorado’s Senate seat blue. We’re grateful for your continued support.

But to be honest, we’re still slightly behind where we need to be before our very first 2020 FEC deadline. So, we’re turning to you once again:

Can you get us back on track by adding a donation right now? Our race is heating up (did you hear that McConnell’s super PAC just booked over $5 million in ads to defend our opponent!) and we need all the resources we can muster to build a campaign that can win this election. Please, only donate if you can afford to pitch in at this time:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Cory Gardner is the most vulnerable Republican Senator in 2020. His approval ratings are plummeting, and the polls show John defeating him in November.

But winning this race won’t be easy, folks. Everything could change at a moment’s notice — especially since Gardner is backed by McConnell’s network of wealthy right-wing donors.

Time and again, Gardner has proven his allegiance to Washington Republicans and partisan politics over the people of Colorado. So McConnell and his right-wing billionaire friends will spend whatever it takes to keep their favorite yes-man in Congress.

This race is the best chance Democrats have to flip a seat and take back the majority. Donate $10, or whatever you can (if you can), to help us meet our first FEC deadline tomorrow.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for all you do. We mean that. If you can’t afford to donate at this time, that’s completely understandable. Taking care of yourself and your loved ones should be your top priority.

— Team Hick

P.S. To pause our emails until this public health emergency has passed, fill out this form.