Hi, Sister District DC-VA Volunteers! 

Join the DC/VA Sister District chapter this Wednesday at 7pm for a virtual watch party of Suppressed: The Fight to Vote, which takes a look at recent voter suppression in Georgia. The practices captured by the film are happening across the country, and demand our attention. As we prepare for a summer of letter writing, phonebanking, and canvassing, it is important that we take the time now to educate ourselves about the impacts voter suppression and gerrymandering have on elections. We know that these undemocratic practices concentrate power in the hands of the few, which is why Sister District's strategic focus on down-ballot, state races will contribute to efforts rolling back harmful voter suppression practices and expand the electorate for fairer representation.

What: virtual watch party of Suppressed: The Fight to Vote
When: April 1st, 7-8pm
How: In these times of Covid 19Zoom! https://zoom.us/j/363924682

So grab a cup of tea or a glass of wine, and join us Wednesday for a viewing of the film, followed by a brief update from our Voter Engagement team on what spring and summer have in store for our chapter. 

Stay safe, stay, healthy, and we hope to see you there! 
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