Folks, We wanted to make sure you saw John’s email from yesterday because this deadline is just too important.


We wanted to make sure you saw John’s email from yesterday because this deadline is just too important.

We know what we’re up against with Lauren Boebert: extremism. She’s anti-democracy, anti-choice, and anti-anything that isn’t all about her best friend Donald Trump. All she wants to do is be against everything, but what is she really for?

We know what John is fighting for: sustainability, the right to choose, affordability, accessibility, and a better future for us all.

Help us send that message today by chipping in a $20 donation.

Thanks team,

Padora For Congress

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I’ll make this quick, friends –

Although she is not running in the special election, Lauren Boebert could be on the ballot in November. And she is going to post a massive fundraising haul in her quarterly FEC report at the end of the month. Whoever we face in the June 25th special election, John could still be up against Lauren Boebert in November.

We have until tomorrow night to reach our $8,000 goal and send the message that our campaign is a real threat to defeat her.

Help us send that message today by chipping in a $20 donation.


We can give Boebert the boot once in for all, but we have to do it together.


John Padora

I'm John Padora, a Democrat running for Congress in CD-04. Lauren Boebert recently jumped into my district in a desperate attempt to stay in DC. 

My campaign is powered by grassroots donations - donate anything you can monthly to keep Boebert OUT of this seat.   


Paid for by Padora for Colorado

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John Padora , PO Box 116, Severance, CO 80546