
I try not to be alarmist, but frankly John, there comes a time when we really should be alarmed. Today’s political climate is unlike anything we’ve experienced.

With an extremist MAGA majority in Congress, a conservative Supreme Court taking a sledgehammer to fundamental rights, and a dangerous Christian Nationalist movement taking aim at the separation between church and state, the principles upon which our democracy was built are at risk. This authoritarian movement has a go-to strategy whenever someone like me criticizes them: they falsely accuse us of being anti-Christian.

That’s why I was honored to bring Amanda Tyler, founder of Christians Against Christian Nationalism, as my guest to President Biden’s State of the Union address. Amanda is a devout evangelical Christian and a staunch ally of mine in our interfaith fight to defend separation of church and state against the threat of this dark theocratic movement.

The truth is, many Americans still don’t know about Christian nationalism and the danger it poses to our pluralistic, secular democracy. We need to educate them quickly, because Christian nationalists are already stripping away our rights and they won’t stop until they achieve their ultimate goal of ending the separation of church and state and replacing our democracy with a dystopic “biblically-based government.” If you’ve read the recent Alabama Supreme Court decision declaring that frozen embryos in IVF laboratories are people, you know what I’m describing is not hyperbole.

Another example is speaker Mike Johnson, the person second in line to the Presidency, who openly embraces the extreme Christian nationalist agenda. Johnson is the most radical person to ever hold the Speaker’s gavel, and dozens of others in Congress share his extreme ideology. It goes far beyond banning abortion and opposing marriage equality; they openly ridicule the separation of church and state and insist that our laws and government institutions must be made to conform to their extreme interpretation of the Bible.

Criminalizing abortion nationwide with no exceptions. Criminalizing homosexuality even among consenting adults. Providing special legal immunity for pastors who refuse to perform marriages for same sex or interracial couples. Extending public education funding to private church schools. Mandating Christian school prayer and teaching of creationism while imposing a nationwide “don’t say gay” law. Requiring a religious test for immigrants.

This is what a future under Christian Nationalist influence means. And as founder and co-chair of the Congressional Freethought Caucus, I’m the leading voice in Congress speaking out forcefully and directly against it.

I hope you agree that surrendering our values and our democracy to those who want to dismantle them is not an option. We simply can’t afford another 2 years of a Republican-led House, John. It’s up to us to take our country back by winning a resounding victory in November so that we can get Congress working again.

Can I count on your contribution to help us organize early to take back the House?

Thanks for all you do, John. Your support really does make a difference.

Onward together!



Congressman Jared Huffman represents California's 2nd District, which spans from the Golden Gate Bridge north to the Oregon border. As a Democratic leader, Jared is committed to protecting our environment and fighting for access to affordable healthcare and equality for all Americans.

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